What's everyone working on this week (10/2018)?

New week, new Rust. What are you folks up to?

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I've been building super hero bots for a competition and will continue to do so this week.

Watch me on Twitch.

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I hope I can get imag-calendar ready this week. I'm also working on some ideas for "command chaining" for imag (for example imag notes create foo | imag tag add bar | imag notes create baz | imag tag boo, which would create a note "foo", tag it "bar", create a note "baz" and tag both notes "boo").

After a few busy weeks without any progress I hope to put in some time on uom (type-safe zero-cost dimensional analysis) this week to address a no_std issue, possibly a performance issue, and release 0.17.

I barely got anything done last week, due to Embedded World and other distractions. But I'm back in the saddle now, working on improving LPC82x HAL's documentation to prepare for its first crates.io release.

I'm close to finishing rsbx.

It encodes your file into a SBX container/archive and provides

  • sector level data recovery(i.e. data still recoverable even when all file system metadata is lost)
  • error correction via Reed-Solomon erasure code
  • customizable burst sector error resistance

The container itself is still a normal file in your file system.

I'm working on an .stl parser and recently implemented support for the binary format alongside ASCII, which I've done before that.

It's been a nice learning experience to get started with nom.
What I'd kind of still like to do would be an application that actually renders the parsed data - my first choice would probably be a glium-based app.

I'm working on a game engine called Sawblade, which is written in Rust. It's designed for 2D games that require high customization and/or high performance, while trying to minimize boilerplate the developer has to write. I just started working on it a few weeks ago.

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I'm still working on bidirectional path tracing (see issue 29), but it looks like I might get the first images rendered this week. The main differences (new structs/functions/traits) can be found in the bdpt integrator documentation. Beside the functions mentioned there, the main work is done through the structs Vertex and EndpointInteraction, but it also had some impact on allready existing function signatures and structs/traits ... I will post the first images as soon as I got some rendered ... and keep the pbrt documentation up to date.


I've implemented ogrep (outline grep) tool in Rust. It is like grep, but shows context of matches based on indentation.

@kriomant The link should be ogrep ...

Thanks, fixed.

I'm starting on a program that simulates many fake users (aiming for ~100k or more) interacting with a social network. The rust part sends out high-level commands ("user 12,626: go find someone to follow") over redis, and then a small army of node.js servers handle making the HTTP requests and tracking the resulting data/errors. As I'm new to rust, I don't want to manage a bunch of HTTP requests with going to/from JSON and all that from rust, and the worker node.js processes can scale horizontally without issue. The rust part is mostly scheduling and a lot of TCP traffic with redis. for which I'll use tokio. Super excited to build this, and work more rust code into the org.

I've made a little library called option_set that builds upon (and works just like) bitflags but it generates smart types that know how to (de)serialize themselves from/to a sequence of strings.

Here it is on crates.io.