IDE for Rust Programming

Which ide should i use for rust programming. Or which is the best ide for rust programming .


If you have a favourite editor, you may use it – all of vim, emacs, atom and Sublime have good rust integration (be sure to install racer). Otherwise, RustDT seems to be the most advanced one, though being based on Eclipse, it needs a beefy machine and may not be for everyone.

I for one currently flip-flop between RustDT and geany (which alas! has no racer integration as of yet).

Ride is in-develop light-weight Rust IDE. May be it cat satisfy your needs.
Also you can use RustyCage - Eclipse plugin.

As for me - I`m usign sublime text with Rust plugin.

If you will specify your needs clearly - we can advise more specifically.

Here is a list that may help:

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And tutorials has instructions for setting some of these things up.

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Thank you so much

Saw in Rust Language official twitter yesterday: Are we (I)DE yet?

In case racer is needed on some slower 32-bit linux platforms like i686 (P2), i586 or armv7, here are my builds:

you can use this also Rust IDE portable

There's now an official plan for IDEs too:

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Sorry Eclipse is not a good selection and VS not too.
I develope this Time a IDE and will release on GPL that it grow fast and its a hard piece of work but i use for it Lazarus and the tools of that free IDE and its easy to bring to all Linux,Macs,Windows and all Unix like BSD and with some hacks a IDE for Android but i wait what the Community will do after the Release and iam Planned not only a simple IDE,will implement a SDLC and many much more Standardized things of SW Development where are usefull.I think i use first the WX Widgets for Rust,think its a long Way to imlement that Other Frameworks like GTK or QT or Win Window Classes or Cocoa and see is much much to do and i bet more as 300000 Cols of Coding :slight_smile:

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Also following IDEs/editors support Rust syntax highlighting:

For nano 2.6.0 or older the nano-config repository should be used.

If you use an older Kate/KDE e.g. KDE Frameworks 5.10 or KDE 4.13 you have to install Rust syntax highlighting plugin manually.

  1. Start Kate and open menu "Settings -> Configure Kate -> Open/Save -> Modes & Filetypes -> Downloading Highlighting Files".
  2. In the list, select Rust and click Install.

After the plugin installation when open an Rust file (*.rs) the first time and the syntax highlighting does not work it is required to select the highlighting manually under menu "Tools -> Highlighting -> Sources -> Rust".

Well, now that the thread necromancy is done by @thomas I can as well give my two cents:
Edit: dammit, I should read the dates of the last posts better

If you are a command line user, just stick to your editor (nano is not an editor in my eyes, but well.…) of choice. If your editor supports syntax highlighting extensions, just look for something called "rust-mode", at least that's the vim&emacs naming. This should provide you with a solid highlighting.
When you are looking for something more GUIish, as mentioned by others there's support for Rust in Qt Creator but also in the major IDE scene (Eclipse, VS and IntelliJ IDEA). Sticking to something as configurable and extensible as Eclipse is a good idea for pretty much anything as you keep to have git integration, plugins, cloud things, you just have everything that one could think of and it's a stupid idea to throw away all your tools just for a new programming language, so choosing one that supports a lot of them is a good idea.
If your editor/IDE wants code completion, just install racer (cargo install racer should be enough) and plug it into your tool. There is usually a plugin for that.

That said, just pick the tools you already use if possible.

The link from earlier lists some editors and IDEs if you want to check or look for an alternative.

Edit: If you install racer using cargo install don't forget to add ~/.cargo/bin to your path.…

Yes, sorry, I sometimes just have the feeling of education people on not to throw away their tools and build new ones (usually worse due to missing users, history, time) for no reason.

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Between vscode and atom I suggest do code with atom , although vscode is better on other languages and platforms but Rust's extension in atom is so better I guess

Rust IDE Eclipse Corrosion with

  • Rust Language Server (RLS) integration
    • Completion Assist
    • Documentation Hover
    • Diagnostics
    • Formatting
  • Cargo and rustup integration
  • Debugging (rust-gdb)
  • ... and other features from Eclipse IDE

Download latest version from Eclipse Foundation.

The only viable options to help a beginner in development would be the Jetbrains IDE. The ideal is CLion but it is paid. You can use the IDEA Community to develop smoothly, but it does not allow you to debug your programs.
The IDE debugger from Jetbrains is amazing and works without tricks, you can even debug your unit tests easily.
These IDE require the Rust and Toml plugin to work with Rust.

I started out using Eclipse, but the support for Rust way back then wasn't great. I moved to the Community Edition of IntelliJ, but I missed being able to run a debugger. I am now using VSCode with the Rust analyzer and have been very happy with it. If that's not to your liking, many editors have support for language servers. I believe you can use the Rust analyzer with emacs and vim, for just two examples.

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