On basic projects r-a works fine but with a larger project (GitHub - paritytech/substrate-archive: Blockchain Indexing Engine) it breaks down and refuses to do any intellisense (will only give string hints). Note that the type hints are still working fine which means that r-a is running. when checking the r-a logs it gives me timeout errors but the r-a language server trace is always empty.
Here is the r-a client output, and as mentioned the r-a server trace is completely empty
INFO [23/12/2021, 10:54:33 am]: Extension version: 0.3.872
INFO [23/12/2021, 10:54:33 am]: Using configuration {
cargoRunner: null,
runnableEnv: null,
inlayHints: {
enable: true,
smallerHints: true,
chainingHints: true,
maxLength: 25,
parameterHints: true,
typeHints: true,
hideNamedConstructorHints: false
updates: { channel: 'stable', askBeforeDownload: false },
server: { path: null, extraEnv: null },
trace: { server: 'off', extension: false },
debug: {
engine: 'auto',
sourceFileMap: {
'/rustc/<id>': '${env:USERPROFILE}/.rustup/toolchains/<toolchain-id>/lib/rustlib/src/rust'
openDebugPane: false,
engineSettings: {}
assist: {
importGranularity: 'crate',
importEnforceGranularity: false,
importPrefix: 'plain',
importGroup: true,
allowMergingIntoGlobImports: true
cache: { warmup: true },
callInfo: { full: true },
cargo: {
autoreload: true,
allFeatures: false,
unsetTest: [ 'core' ],
features: [],
runBuildScripts: true,
useRustcWrapperForBuildScripts: true,
noDefaultFeatures: false,
target: null,
noSysroot: false
checkOnSave: {
enable: true,
allFeatures: null,
allTargets: true,
command: 'check',
noDefaultFeatures: null,
target: null,
extraArgs: [],
features: null,
overrideCommand: null
completion: {
addCallArgumentSnippets: true,
addCallParenthesis: true,
snippets: {
'Arc::new': {
postfix: 'arc',
body: 'Arc::new(${receiver})',
requires: 'std::sync::Arc',
description: 'Put the expression into an `Arc`',
scope: 'expr'
'Rc::new': {
postfix: 'rc',
body: 'Rc::new(${receiver})',
requires: 'std::rc::Rc',
description: 'Put the expression into an `Rc`',
scope: 'expr'
'Box::pin': {
postfix: 'pinbox',
body: 'Box::pin(${receiver})',
requires: 'std::boxed::Box',
description: 'Put the expression into a pinned `Box`',
scope: 'expr'
Ok: {
postfix: 'ok',
body: 'Ok(${receiver})',
description: 'Wrap the expression in a `Result::Ok`',
scope: 'expr'
Err: {
postfix: 'err',
body: 'Err(${receiver})',
description: 'Wrap the expression in a `Result::Err`',
scope: 'expr'
Some: {
postfix: 'some',
body: 'Some(${receiver})',
description: 'Wrap the expression in an `Option::Some`',
scope: 'expr'
postfix: { enable: true },
autoimport: { enable: true },
autoself: { enable: true }
diagnostics: {
enable: true,
enableExperimental: true,
disabled: [],
remapPrefix: {},
warningsAsHint: [],
warningsAsInfo: []
experimental: { procAttrMacros: true },
files: { watcher: 'client', excludeDirs: [] },
highlightRelated: {
references: true,
exitPoints: true,
breakPoints: true,
yieldPoints: true
highlighting: { strings: true },
hover: { documentation: true, linksInHover: true },
hoverActions: {
debug: true,
enable: true,
gotoTypeDef: true,
implementations: true,
references: false,
run: true
joinLines: {
joinElseIf: true,
removeTrailingComma: true,
unwrapTrivialBlock: true,
joinAssignments: true
lens: {
debug: true,
enable: true,
implementations: true,
run: true,
methodReferences: false,
references: false,
enumVariantReferences: false,
forceCustomCommands: true
linkedProjects: [],
lruCapacity: null,
notifications: { cargoTomlNotFound: true },
procMacro: { enable: true, server: null },
runnables: { overrideCargo: null, cargoExtraArgs: [] },
rustcSource: null,
rustfmt: {
extraArgs: [],
overrideCommand: null,
enableRangeFormatting: false
workspace: { symbol: { search: { scope: 'workspace', kind: 'only_types' } } }
INFO [23/12/2021, 10:54:33 am]: PersistentState: {
lastCheck: undefined,
nightlyReleaseId: undefined,
serverVersion: '0.2.853'
INFO [23/12/2021, 10:54:34 am]: Using server binary at /home/wqsz7xn/.vscode/extensions/matklad.rust-analyzer-0.3.872/server/rust-analyzer
WARN [23/12/2021, 10:55:10 am]: LSP request timed out {
method: 'rust-analyzer/inlayHints',
param: {
textDocument: {
uri: 'file:///home/wqsz7xn/Desktop/substrate-archive/substrate-archive/src/actors/workers/database.rs'
error: Ca [Error]: content modified
at gr (/home/wqsz7xn/.vscode/extensions/matklad.rust-analyzer-0.3.872/out/main.js:4:223)
at Or (/home/wqsz7xn/.vscode/extensions/matklad.rust-analyzer-0.3.872/out/main.js:3:6574)
at Immediate.<anonymous> (/home/wqsz7xn/.vscode/extensions/matklad.rust-analyzer-0.3.872/out/main.js:3:6424)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:461:21) {
code: -32801,
data: undefined
WARN [23/12/2021, 10:55:10 am]: LSP request timed out {
method: 'rust-analyzer/inlayHints',
param: {
textDocument: {
uri: 'file:///home/wqsz7xn/Desktop/substrate-archive/substrate-archive/src/actors.rs'
error: Ca [Error]: content modified
at gr (/home/wqsz7xn/.vscode/extensions/matklad.rust-analyzer-0.3.872/out/main.js:4:223)
at Or (/home/wqsz7xn/.vscode/extensions/matklad.rust-analyzer-0.3.872/out/main.js:3:6574)
at Immediate.<anonymous> (/home/wqsz7xn/.vscode/extensions/matklad.rust-analyzer-0.3.872/out/main.js:3:6424)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:461:21) {
code: -32801,
data: undefined
using vscode 1.63.2 with r-a v0.3.872 (prerelease from vscode marketplace)
No intellisense provided:
I think that's all the information that I can give, let me know if there's anything I missed. Thanks