I am writing a backend for a card game in Rust, using Rocket. Because each card one player deals should be reflected in changes for every other player, I am using websockets.
For each client, a handler function handles all incoming requests. But I also need to actively push messages to each client, if another player / client does something.
So I have set up a data structure in Rockets State:
Arc<Mutex<HashMap<String, Sender<String>>>>
That structure should hold the transmit end of a channel to each connected client.
Each client creates a channel:
let (tx, mut rx) = channel(1)
The tx
value it put into the HashMap
, the rx
value is kept in the handler function.
Then I use a select!
to listen
a) for any incoming message from "my" client and
b) for any message arriving at "my" rx
end of the channel.
The problem is, I can send a message into the channel but it does not arrive at the rx
. What am I missing?
Here is a compressed code of the function that handles new websocket connections:
type PeersMap = Arc<Mutex<HashMap<String, Sender<String>>>>;
fn mirror(user: String, ws: WebSocket, peers_map: &State<PeersMap>) -> Channel<'static> {
let peers_map = peers_map.inner().clone();
ws.channel(move |mut stream| {
Box::pin(async move {
let (tx, mut rx) = channel(1);
peers_map.lock().await.insert(user.clone(), tx);
loop {
select! {
// handle incoming message from client
message = stream.next() => match message {
Some(Ok(Message::Text(text))) => {
println!("Received message: {:?}", text);
let _ = stream.send(Message::Text(format!("Echo: {}", text))).await;
peers_map.lock().await.iter().for_each(|(peer, tx)| {
if peer != &user {
println!("Sending message to {}: {:?}", peer, text);
let _ = tx.clone().send(format!("{} says: {}", user, text));
// ... handle cases to finish the connection
// handle incoming message from the channel
Some(message) = rx.next() => {
println!("Received message from other client: {:?}", message);
let _ = stream.send(Message::Text(message)).await;
else => break,
// cleanup, the connection is closed
The function should mirror any incoming message back to the sender and at the same time transmit the message to any other client to be forwarded to them as well – a bit like a chat client. I know, it is far from my card game …
From the print!
statements, I can see that the tx.clone().send(...)
is done. But the select!
-branch Some(message) = rx.next()
is never called.
It seems that the channel does not work. Am I missing something?
I have tried setting the channel capacity to higher values, that doesn't change anything.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.