I've upgraded my windows 10 wsl1 to wsl2, and since then I'm not able to use cargo build on any of my projects which I keep on /mnt (i.e. outside of the ubuntu root filesystem).
I'm able to run cargo clean and the rust compiler directly. However cargo build just hangs there with no output, all the while consuming a large amout of cpu.
If anyone had run into this before, how did you fix it. I'm currently running cargo 1.43.
CARGO_LOG=debug output is also noisy.
I compared running it on the ubuntu wsl filesystem. The output is quite similar, several "failed to get mtime of" and "failed to stat". err: failed to read /mnt/d/dev/fl/projs/fltk-rs/target/debug/.fingerprint/fltk-c823771d573c5026/lib-fltk-c823771d573c5026
Caused by:
No such file or directory (os error 2)