Announcing Rust support in Visual Studio IDE (not VS Code)

Folks just wanted to let you guys know I have been working on it VS marketplace: rust-analyzer.vs. Please install it play with it and let me know what you think.

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Join development: kitamstudios/rust-analyzer.vs: Rust language support for Visual Studio (

The following are functional:

  • Build, Clean (errors in Error list with details in output window).
  • Debug & Run without debugging.
  • Workspace support (continuing to get enhanced as I find more examples).
  • Intellisense / Auto-complete / Goto definition / Code actions / Find references etc. all features from Rust language server.
  • Tested above features with top Rust OSS projects like cargo, ruffle, iced, geo, ruff, reqwest, wasmtime.

Coming up shortly: examples integration, clippy/fmt, unit testing etc.

It will be very helpful to get some support from active dogfooders from the community. I would also like to talk to anyone interested in their usage patterns to better know what features to implement when.


Announcing Release 1.5.72

[NOTE: Please delete the ".vs" folder in your project. This extension may behave weird at times.]

This release bring support for debug and run cargo examples. Here are the official documentation: cargo examples, project layout and an unofficial one how-to.

Here is a quick demo:

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