New week, new Rust! What are you folks up to?
I'm trying to figure out a way to get all the / packages I need ... and store them offline, so I even if I have no internet connection (RV trip, cruise, etc ...), I can still develop rust.
@anon80458984: cargo-vendor
might be useful.
Working on better handling of when a game round has ended. Apparently instant-jump-to-title-screen when someone wins isn't good user experience.
@anon80458984 cargo doc
automatically builds dependency docs. You can copy them off the target folder somewhere safe (in case you do a clean or something).
I start research of error index message and examples by implementing tests as a source code. I think it is simple for developers to understand (at first for me) a big file of text dividing it to the peace of small test projects. The study of compiler errors and ways to eliminate them is very interesting, even fascinating, I would say.
Going through the last section of "the Book" (building a multi-thread web server), and then beginning work on a super simple, low resource message queue system in Rust. Really excited!
I started porting Chuck Walbourn's win32 DirectX11 project template from C++ to Rust.
Progress can be seen here: GitHub - ArmsOfSorrow/win32-d3d-template
Working on a naive implementation of an Entity Component System for my Dissertation!
is that implementation going to become "less naive" as you progress with your dissertation?
yep! going to be increasing complexity up until I hopefully hit performance seen in the C/C++ space of ECS'. The main objective of the dissertation is to show that Rust is a great alternative to C/C++
Cool But if it's for your dissertation, that means you probably cannot publish it any time soon, right?
I'm trying to reimplement leveldb in Rust.
Waiting 2018 edition
Maybe JAMstack is a bit of a hype right now, but I do use Static Site Generators for quiet some time to create my web pages. So far I have been using Jekyll, but I really wanted to use Rust instead of Ruby, so I started investigating Gutenberg. I also registered a new domain for a Rust project of mine, which deserves it's own web page:
Not much there yet, but it will be filled with content over the next few month. Hopefully at the end of the year I gathered all the information about things I have already implemented around the Rust based PBRT implementation and then I will post a Call for Participation here ...
github/rs_pbrt > ../onefetch/target/release/onefetch
Project: rs_pbrt
` :y.`yy`.y: ` Language: Rust
-``MNsNMMNNNNMMNsNM``- Authors: Jan Walter
`NNNMMMdo:` `+md/ `:odMMMNNN` Repo:
-ssNMMNo. .oNMMNss- Number of lines: 41840
`mMMMMNmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmdy+` `sMMMm` License: GNU General Public License v3.0 only
-oMN-:Ny:mMMMMMm oNMMMMMm oN::MMo-
.yMMMhhh+ dMMMMMd:::::+mMMMMN/ odyhMMMy.
`mMMMm `-:o+:/mMMMm`
-ssNMMMyomo smohMMMNss-
`NNNMs+mN/-` `-/Nd/yMNNN`
` :y.`yy`.y: `
Yep, it will be done by May I think, but hopefully sooner
I started work on a layer-2 blockchain node written in rust
This is my very first rust project and I am very new to the language. So far, I love the concepts and design decisions of rust
Just wrote the command line utility webpacker-cli allowing any web framework to use Webpacker. And I also wrote a Rust library for using it webpacker-rs.
Webpacker allows you to conveniently pre-process, pack, and map assets for your website including CSS, SASS, CoffeeScript, React, VueJS, Images, and others. Also it uses version hashing to invalidate caches clients have of old sources.