What's everyone working on this week (22/2016)?

New week, new Rust. What are you folks up to?

Moved json_str crate into its own repo finally (also my first public repo I've had a PR on :smiley:) . It's a simple utility for converting a static Rust token tree into a String or &str.


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I am working on a reimplemnetation of Rx.Net, (push based iterators). asyncplify. Trying to add multi-thread support. I hope to publish a crate soon :slight_smile:

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Learning the ways of Rust and contributing to Servo while at it :slight_smile:

Oh cool! I remember seeing a port of Rx for Rust a while ago but I don't think it's still active. Will have to have a poke around yours

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A simple malloc implementation in Rust. Next will come what will most likely be my largest project in any language: a simple Scheme interpreter, to be embedded into Rust programs to provide embedded, safe, lightweight scripting.

Safe means that scripts do not have access to the outside world, such as I/O, except by explicit request of the host. It also means that the embedding API does not require users to write any unsafe code.

Lightweight means that the interpreter adds much less bulk to the application than (say) V8.

But most importantly, I want it to be fun and educational (both to write and to use)!

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I am working on translating the algorithms from Chaper 7 ("Coordiante Structures") of Stepanov's "Elements of Programming" to Rust. You can see the code so far here (scroll down to comments starting 7.x for new stuff, also the example SliceIterator uses lifetimes to prevent dangling iterators now)

Runner game

A little project with glium!

Two things I did this week:

  • New Rustacean News 1: One year and counting—with a discussion of how the Rust compiler has worked historically and how MIR changes that

  • RFC: Require documentation for all new features

    One of the major goals of Rust's development process is stability without stagnation. That means we add features regularly. However, it can be difficult to use those features if they are not publicly documented anywhere. Therefore, this RFC proposes requiring that all new language features and public standard library items must be documented before landing on the stable release branch (item documentation for the standard library; in the language reference for language features).

Had some fun doing clippy runs on toml-rs, hyper and racer.

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