People who enjoy oxidation—
if you happen die be in or near Cologne on Wednesday 2018-05-02, 19:15 CET, we would love to see you at our meetup!
This time around we've decided to test something new. We'll try to solve a set of beginner level tasks, under different constraints: write it in a functional style, get the shortest source code possible, make it as simple or convoluted as possible, and whatever else comes to mind. The intend is that under these constraints we'll learn about new language features and library functions, from each other, as well as the documentation.
Depending on participation and experience we'll solve the tasks as one large group, or split up into smaller ones. So don't be afraid to drop by even if your very new to Rust. However, if you're already fairly experienced, there may still be something new to learn.
You can find more information here and (optionally) register here.
We are looking forward to seeing you.
Pascal and Florian
The meetup will likely be held in German, we will however reevaluate this at the beginning of the evening and switch to English if needed.