Hi, I'm sharing that the company that I work for has decided to migrate its key product to Rust (from C++). (It's no secret nor a public company, and I'm authorized to share this information.)
The decision is based on the following:
- The syntax (language itself)
- Memory Safety
- Tooling
- National and Industry push for memory safe language use
- The availability of crates for traditional libraries.*
- The sponsorship of major corporations*
- It's growing usage in other products/companies (browser, Linux kernel, yazi, Zed, Helix editors, other enterprises)*
- Its annual growth percentage of developer usage*
- Its reputation among developers*
- The huge contributor support/involvement on the Rust github repository*
- Positive milieu*
One small concern was build speed, but no doubt that is improving and techniques are available to improve build times. I also don't want to give the impression that this is a major issue - it's not, simply saying that it was one consideration in the decision process.
The last items in the list (the starred ones *) indicate the industry support for and momentum of, Rust. With any language, people can find gripes/complaints but intellectual honesty (IMHO) requires that Rust be respected/admired for A.) Its groundbreaking path including syntax and memory safety. And B.) Rust as a whole and the positive milieu that surrounds it (don't underestimate that).
It's clearly an excellent language option to be grateful for.