Hello community,
I have recently begun to learn rust. I have been reading and hearing a lot of news and talks regarding rust as a potential replacement of C, C++.
As a novice programmer, I only heard about rust a few months ago from the white house press release: White House PRESS RELEASE: Future Software Should Be Memory Safe. With my superficial knowledge in C and buffer overflow exploitations, I understand the growing preference for memory safe languages.
However, with my limited insights and experience, I cannot judge whether the current excitement over Rust is just a spark or a persistent, growing fire. Will Rust eventually replace C,C++ as some people say? Or will C,C++ always prevail as the low-level system language as some other people say?
I'm mainly asking this question to jump into Rust community as well as gauge the "usefulness" of Rust as I begin to commit a significant portion of my time in learning Rust. I've yet to realize the "usefulness" of Rust (I'm willing to learn more about it).
I'm also aware that this question might be asked by every new visitor in this community...
Also going on a tangent, how do you know which crate to use? Does it come with years of experience, or is there a more systemic approach to search for the right crate (or make one if one can't find it)? So far, I have been just following project guidelines that recommend specific crates to use, but I feel like that can't be how it works in real life.
Thank you.