Rust as a High Level Language

Please I wrote a respectful post. No need to introduce dubious (and frankly condescending and bit arrogant tone) ad hominen assumptions. I've coded in many languages also over a roughly 30 year career. Haskell does invert the type system from inductive to coinductive and this introduces advantages and disadvantages. I won't go into all the details further here (a link was already provided to Robert Harper's blog post). I was merely trying to point out that reasoning about Haskell down to the "nuts and bolts" requires understanding many other layers such as Monads (category theory), memoization, lazy evaluation, coinductive types, etc.. It is a high-level in the sense that is a very powerful semantics built with powerful abstractions.

That was my point also.

Not only that. There is also a tradeoff in the power of the abstractions we choose and whether they are comprehensible to other people that need to read and work on the code. Also whether those abstractions are the ideal fit for the task and use case.

This formerly absolutely valid point is weakened or mitigated as mobile eats the desktop and battery life also depends on performance. Nevertheless the cost of the programming effort remains a variable in the equation, so there is a balance which varies for different use cases.

This is why I argue the low-level languages should be used after profiling the code and knowing where the performance bottlenecks are. Because for example modeling memory allocation (lifetimes and scopes) in the type system, infects the type system every where (e.g. even 'a in generics apparently) so the code base presumably gets more unmanageable over time because there is an exponential explosion of invariants. Because unsafe can propagate from any untyped code (the entropy is unbounded due to be a Turing-complete machine, i.e. not 100% dependently typed). Thus the notion of a completely typed program is a foolish goal. It is about tradeoffs and fencing off areas of maximum concern. The human mind still needs to be involved.

So please don't try to hold Haskell up as the a high-level solution with the only tradeoff being performance. The reality isn't that simple.

Edit: for example (just so you don't think I am BSing), Haskell can't offer first class disjunctions without forsaking its global inference that provides some of Haskell's elegance. Without first-class disjunctions (which Rust also doesn't have), then composition via ad hoc polymorphism is somewhat crippled. I suspect some of the need for higher-kind types could be avoided if Rust had first-class unions. Which Rust could I presume implement, because it doesn't have global inference.