Rust as a High Level Language

Someone confirmed it is ad hoc polymorphism, and my reply which is relevant in this thread also:

I am surprised afaics the ad hoc polymorphism is not mentioned any where in the documentation. And the Expression Problem nor the Wikipedia entry on Composition over Inheritance, are also ostensibly not mentioned in the documentation. For me, if considering Rust as potentially a better "high-level" language, the ad hoc polymorphism in a language which does not have Haskell's coinductive type system, seems to be unavailable in any other C/C++ derivative (potentially mainstream) language?

I'm suggesting the documentation maybe could be improved to proactively explain to incoming OOP (aka subclassing) converts, to make an argument for why they typically don't want to be using the anti-pattern of OOP virtual methods, and instead using late binding dispatch at the call site, instead of at the declaration site. In other words, ad hoc polymorphism un-conflates (makes) interface from (orthogonal to) data type, and the binding of the interface to a data type occurs at the function call site, not at the data type, interface, nor function declaration sites. Of course there are some tradeoffs, but the inflexibility of premature binding is removed.

For a mainstream high-level language, I am starting to contemplate if I am wishing Rust's ad hoc polymorphism was available in a strongly type language that had no verbosity GC and didn't basically force on us by default the noisy and complex type system of modeling lifetimes and memory (which apparently even infects generics with the 'a syntax ... I haven't learned that yet though). The lifetimes and memory allocation feels too heavy (a PITA) for a language that most programmers would want to use most of the time. Sometimes you want that control, but always by default? And a mainstream language without first-class (i.e. not a library) async/await is becoming an anathema.