New Book 🎉 Rust Under the Hood: A deep dive into Rust internals and generated assembly

We are pleased to announce the release of our book :closed_book: Rust Under the Hood.

Discover How Rust Works Under the Hood

  • Learn how Rust represents, and pattern matches enums, tuples, and structs.
  • Dig into implicit heap operations with Box and Vec.
  • Understand string and &str representation and generated code.

Understand Dispatch Mechanisms

  • Compare and contrast static vs. dynamic dispatch and the pivotal role of Vtables.
  • Grasp how closures interact with their environments and manage state.

Rust Compiler Optimizations and SIMD

  • Understand loop optimization and SIMD auto-vectorization.
  • Explore strategies used for branch avoidance and function inlining.
  • Learn how tail call optimization transforms recursive functions into loops.

Async Programming Insights

  • Learn how Rust transforms async functions into state machines.
  • Unravel the workings of async executors and the role of polling in async/await constructs.

Practical Learning

Use tools like Compiler Explorer and Rust Playground to reinforce your learning and gain hands-on experience with the generated x86-64 assembly.

Available for Purchase

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Can you tell us with which tool have you created the tool (Word, Libreoffice, typst, pandoc, ...)?

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We used Markdown to write the book. Used Pandoc to convert it into Microsoft Word.


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