I’m passionate about IoT and see how it has the potential to change so much. I consider Rust an excellent language for developing applications in the world of the Internet of Things. I’d like to ask the community if you know of any courses, books, articles, or other resources about Rust applied to IoT. Additionally, if you could share any projects in this area, I’d greatly appreciate it.
IoT is a concept for small devices connected to a network (The internet). It has very little or nothing to do with how you develop software.
In fact, we can develop powerful software that runs on boards like the ESP32. There is an entire software industry dedicated to this segment.
How about Introduction - The Rust on ESP Book ?
I see no differences with software development for embedded systems.
Right. IoT is basically embedded system plus internet connectivity.
I think besides hardware parts, it's also worth mentioning books/courses on
- Design Patterns for Internet of Things
- Cloud Native Architecture / Patterns
- IoT Networking
I have written a framework in Rust to help control my IoT devices (and ev car). GitHub - brianmay/robotica-rust: IOT automation for people who think like programmers
Currently it is still very centred around my needs although I have been gradually moving "me specific" stuff to config files or to mqtt config topics. More work still required, think I fixed some of the worst parts though.
Very cool, bro. Do you remember if you sought knowledge from any books, posts or articles to write this project?
Do you have any examples of books or articles on the topics you mentioned above?
Yes, in that style of book.
I believe they are easy searchable So you get articles and materials in needed directions
I forgot: I also have ESP32 based remote control software that once upon a time worked on various ESP32 boards. But I haven't looked at that for a while, and it has been somewhat neglected. GitHub - brianmay/robotica-remote-rust: ESP32 remote control for robotica in rust
I am not aware of any IOT rust books.
- IoT for Beginners: Explore IoT Architecture, Working Principles, IoT Devices, and Various Real IoT Projects
- Cloud Native Patterns: Designing change-tolerant software
- Cloud Native Development Patterns and Best Practices
- Architecting Cloud Native Applications
- Cloud Native Architectures
- Cloud Native Architecture and Design: A Handbook for Modern Day Architecture and Design with Enterprise-Grade Examples
- Learning AWS IoT
- Azure IoT Development Cookbook
- Designing Production-Grade and Large-Scale IoT Solutions: A comprehensive and practical guide to implementing end-to-end IoT solutions
- ...
Didn't read; cannot say anything though.