I think official rust community wouldn't use discord

Hi, I'm wondering why rust programming language use a closed source platform for its community...

I think makes more sense migrate to open solutions.

How can make this proposal to Rust foundation ?

The Rust Foundation does not decide over what platforms the project uses. The project, and more specifically individual teams, do.
The official Rust discord is used by some teams for their communication, the Zulip instance is another venue.

Before 2019 the Rust project was still largely on IRC. Before the Mozilla IRC server was sunset, the project explored possible alternatives and ended up with these 2 platforms to this day (see also: Mozilla IRC Sunset and the Rust Channel | Rust Blog).
Discord was chosen as one of the decent alternatives (some of the way is further explained in this thread).


GitHub is a closed source platform.


I thought I remember in the past reading somewhere in the docs that using github for crates.io was temporary...

Indeed, Rust should port its codebase on codeberg

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So, do you know unofficial rust communities hosted on free platform ?

There's still big Rust channels on IRC (I know of those in the Libera Network), others use Matrix (e.g. the Rust Embedded folks have a bunch on matrix.org: GitHub - rust-embedded/awesome-embedded-rust: Curated list of resources for Embedded and Low-level development in the Rust programming language)

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I see, thank you. And why Rust choose GitHub over codeberg or other open source solutions ? It doesn't make sense to me.

It's what most people use.


For one Codeberg didn't exist over 10 years ago when Rust started.
For another: pragmatism. GitHub was and is the go-to code hosting platform. It provided the environment to host the code, the issues and much more around it.
That serves the project quite well for a long time now.


The community can do what it wants. If you want to start a community chat on something that's not discord, go for it.


I understand, I mean I disagree with this choice but I respect this wrong decision.

This is very interesting. I'll take in consideration this idea, thank you for this suggestion.

It was not a wrong decision for the project afterall.
Relying on an established hosting platform that is well known and used across open source projects and businesses has a lot of advantages.
Some people want to build a programming language, not deal with also running the entire tooling stack around it.


Remember that Rust makes extensive use of Github CI, which Codeberg might not fully support. Even if it does, it would be a significant effort to port it, with a lot of money; a large effort that could have instead been spent on making Rust better.


it's important to note that crates.io only uses github for auth/anti-spam. you do not have to host the source code of a crate on github.


You're on an open source platform used by the rust project.

The truth is that the migration has already mostly happened, the official rust discord is used far less than any of the other platforms.

Or to Pijul, which seems to have a better algorithm than git. And written in Rust too. Sadly it seems to be in need of reviving.

It does not make any sense to me, why rust should use open solutions.
Everyone should use what is best for project, not because of religious belifes. If open solutions is beter (in practical ways) use open solutions. If closed source is beter, use closed source.

If you go crazy about open solutions, just because they are open solution, even if they are just crap, it is not logical.

Most now use Discord. So, it is more comfortable for many to use Discord. If open solution don't give much more than Discord what's the point to use it? And it would be even worse if it there not as good as discord (but meaning of "good" is biast discusion).

Time is also important. Did open solution existed when Rust started to use Discord or github? If yes, how good it was at time comparing to Discord and github? After one sterted to use something, it is hard to move somewhere else.


Why's that? Is the idea to reduce costs?

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