How do I implement sliders in egui?

I wanted to implement the sliders using egui as you can see in the screenshot.

                Slider::new(value, (*min)..=(*max))
                    .text("f64 demo slider"),

I was wondering if this is the correct code?

If it compiles and does what you intend, we should assume it is correct.

In regards to Slider::new()

pub fn new<Num: Numeric>(value: &'a mut Num, range: RangeInclusive<Num>) -> Self

What is the Numeric object?

Slider::new(value, (*min)..=(*max))

What am I passing over here in value (in terrms of datatype)?

According to source code, it is emath::Numeric, which is implemented for all primitive number types. Not sure why rustdoc didn't add the link, however - cc @GuillaumeGomez?

pub trait Numeric: Clone + Copy + PartialEq + PartialOrd + 'static {
    const INTEGRAL: bool;
    const MIN: Self;
    const MAX: Self;

    fn to_f64(self) -> f64;
    fn from_f64(num: f64) -> Self;

Ok so I can see it as a trait, but in this code:

                Slider::new(value, 0..=100)
                    .text("f64 demo slider"),

How do I exactly define value?

Slider::new requires &mut Num for some Num: Numeric. That is, you have to store a mutable numeric value (i32, u8, f64, etc. depending on your needs) somewhere in scope and pass an exclusive reference to it.

Do you have a small test code I can use to see if I can reproduce the issue by any chance? :slight_smile:

How do I declare a Numeric value?

For example for f32 I can do let value: f32 = 10f32;

So how I would do the same for Numeric data type?

Are you asking me or @Cerber-Ursi ?

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