How can I improve this code?

The first option is the commented code above. Not cool, I know.

Then I thought of this second way but still not sure if it looks good. What do you think? Any tips are appreciated.

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Pattern matching using tuples of booleans is a much better approach since it provides you with exhaustiveness check.

You might want to use chars instead of strings, though:


As for how can you improve the code, there's not much else to say given what you are showing us. If you want more/better feedback, then you should provide us with more information on the design/intent of the code in question.


Please post text, not images -- not everyone can read the images.
It's very easy to format your code:


I often use images because of the graphical resources like drawing and stuff... But sure thing, thank you for the advice

You don't need the default clause - since you cover all the combinations. Assuming the commented code is the reference, 4 clauses will do...

match (time.contains('s'), time.contains('m'), time.contains('h')) {
    (true, true, true) => println!("seconds, minutes, and hours."),
    (true, true, false) => println!("seconds and minutes."),
    (true, false, false) => println!("only seconds."),
    _ => println!("no time."),

not really, as I want to handle it even when I have "h" but not "s", but you are right in a normal situation

Maybe you should write your own parser, that would report more detailed information than "time contains a given letter". This would probably be more performant too, since now you scan whole string 3 times, but you probably could write a parser that would only need to traverse it once.

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It's a very good idea and since we generate ideas as a generative AI , you can also consider a 'push' approach when during the parsing you recognize some pattern, you can immediately push it for processing.

May be use only one for loop on chars to check s m h. Use 3 bits of u8 to record the result. With matching branches 0b111 0b110 0b100 ..., it may looks more graceful.

Or maybe you can simply use a Finite State Machine.

Another take on matching the "look" of the original commented code:

match (time.contains('s'), time.contains('m'), time.contains('h')) {
    (true, true, true) => println!("seconds, minutes, and hours."),
    (true, true, _) => println!("seconds and minutes."),
    (true, _, _) => println!("only seconds."),
    _ => println!("no time."),

This loses some perks of exhaustive-ness checking (the order matters now) but to me it makes it easier to see the "all three", "first two", "first one", "none" cases at a glance. (e.g. I'm not looking at a truth table)


While strictly speaking this is true, if you move them around, you'll get a warning about unreachable arms. Not as good as an error, but at least it's something.

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May I ask why? Is there a performance difference?

Yes, there is.
str::contains::<char> eventually calls <std::str::pattern::CharSearcher as Pattern>::next_match (implementation), which uses memchr, a fast function to search for a single byte in a string.

str::contains::<&str> uses std::str::pattern::StrSearcher::next_match (implementation), which uses an algorithm for searching for a string, which has to support searching for strings of more than one character, and is thus slower.

I compared the generated assembly of the two functions, and I found something interesting. The optimizer can effectively see through the StrSearcher and generates similar assembly for both functions, each using one memchr call.

        mov     rdx, rsi
        mov     rsi, rdi
        cmp     rdx, 15
        ja      .LBB0_3
        test    rdx, rdx
        je      .LBB0_2
        dec     rdx
        xor     ecx, ecx
        cmp     byte ptr [rsi + rcx], 97
        sete    al
        je      .LBB0_7
        lea     rdi, [rcx + 1]
        cmp     rdx, rcx
        mov     rcx, rdi
        jne     .LBB0_5
        push    rax
        mov     edi, 97
        call    qword ptr [rip + core::slice::memchr::memchr_aligned::hf6aa57362cec11a2@GOTPCREL]
        cmp     rax, 1
        sete    al
        add     rsp, 8
        xor     eax, eax
        mov     rdx, rsi
        mov     rsi, rdi
        cmp     rdx, 1
        jbe     .LBB1_1
        cmp     rdx, 15
        ja      .LBB1_9
        dec     rdx
        xor     ecx, ecx
        cmp     byte ptr [rsi + rcx], 97
        sete    al
        je      .LBB1_8
        lea     rdi, [rcx + 1]
        cmp     rdx, rcx
        mov     rcx, rdi
        jne     .LBB1_6
        jne     .LBB1_2
        cmp     byte ptr [rsi], 97
        sete    al
        push    rax
        mov     edi, 97
        call    qword ptr [rip + core::slice::memchr::memchr_aligned::hf6aa57362cec11a2@GOTPCREL]
        cmp     rax, 1
        sete    al
        add     rsp, 8
        xor     eax, eax

However, this optimization is not something to rely on. There are also other reasons to provide chars to string searching methods when possible[1]. For instance, "string".split("A").rev() (note the argument is a &str) doesn't compile, because as the DoubleEndedSearcher docs put it:

(&str)::Searcher is not a DoubleEndedSearcher because the pattern "aa" in the haystack "aaa" matches as either "[aa]a" or "a[aa]", depending on which side it is searched.

In this case, you can use .split('A')[2] to obtain a reversible iterator (and as a bonus, it optimizes better).

  1. though not in the specific case of contains ↩︎

  2. note the single quotes ↩︎


thanks! i learned something new :slight_smile:

On the assumption that this is the start of some code used for parsing a duration (guessing here), then the best improvement is to not write this code yourself. Use a library for parsing time from strings into times instead. E.g. jiff::fmt::friendly - Rust