Hi, people. I have been learning Rust with the help of Exercism.
It's a fun way to learn a new language. I recommend it for any Rust newbie like me.
That said, I am waiting more than a week for a mentor to review the last submission of mine, so I asked Exercism admins for help. That was the answer:
"We don't have many Rust mentors but they have hundreds of solutions per week to review. We desperately need more Rust mentors."
So, I am asking you guys to join Exercism as a way to foster Rust community growth. Exercism tasks are fun, short exercises easy to review for any Rust programmer.
Ok, I wouldn't mind to mentor people on exercism, but since I'm not a rust expert, I will first follow the mentored track myself. Just subscribed. If I feel comfortable after that I will mentor.
That's exactly what I plan to do myself, najamelan. I remember from the time when I was learning C++ that helping other people was a great way to polish my own knowledge.
I kinda want to mentor as well, but figure I should complete the track first... which exerbates the problem for now, but should help in the long run! Thanks to everyong who's mentoring already
FWIW, you can follow the Rust track yourself and mentor solutions to exercises you've already completed simultaneously. I've just become a mentor even though I've only solved about 40% of all Rust exercises.
Fairly possible that I'll go the same way, since the last lessons look like something I should yet learn, but at the first steps I perhaps could be useful even now. Thanks for noting this!
Since students don't pay for their lessons, it's unlikely that there are funds to pay mentors. I presume that it's volunteer work, giving back to the greater Rust community. In a way that's similar to what Rustaceans do when they answer queries in this forum.
"volunteer work for a company"? Please allow me to disagree. To me it sounds more like "volunteer work for the community thru a company". Yes, that company makes money, much like StackExchange makes money. I see no problem with that, as long as they do their job.
Wikipedia describes the organization as not-for-profit.
Searches for "exercism income statement," "exercism business model," or anything of the sort come up bone dry.
Viewing the LinkedIn page as logged off on my phone, it shows 5 of the employees' names and "positions" at LinkedIn. These positions are:
Kotlin Mentor
Java and Kotlin mentor
Software Developer/Web Developer
Volunteer Rust Mentor & Maintainer
All but the fourth one are currently employed in at least one other corporation on their profile, and the fourth one only has non-business engagements listed. As far as I can tell, these are not people making income related to Exercism. They are people who wanted to put something on their resume.
Students don't pay for the service, the privacy policy states they don't distribute user info to 3rd parties, and there are no ads, so how could they generate income?
I don't think there is anything nefarious or untoward going on with exercism.