Which Syntax Is Preferred For Checking If Optionally Is None? 🤔

These both seem to work, but is one more "idiomatic Rust"?

Do you only use "if let" if you actually want to access some variable from your Option?

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if let None = cli.pattern.as_deref() {
    println!("Didn't pass in any optional pattern");

if None == cli.pattern.as_deref() {
    println!("Didn't pass in any optional pattern");


if cli.pattern.is_none() {
    println!("Didn't pass in any optional pattern");

See the documentation for Option::is_none and Option::as_deref. The call to as_deref isn't needed as is can't possibly change whether the option is None or not (unless it panics etc.).
If is_none wasn't available, I would always go for an explicit match or if let None = opt because you can only compare None via == iff PartialEq is implemented.

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Re if there were no is_none(): I'd probably recommend matches!(opt, None) because it's a lot less noisy for a single expression than a full match.


Thanks everybody.

if cli.pattern.is_none() { does work as is the shortest of them all. :+1:

Good point on not needing the as_deref and PartialEq.

I this case though I actually realized I do want to handle with the Some and None cases so I'm probably just going to use a regular match expression. :sweat_smile:


I believe clippy recommends is_{none, some} - it's a very handy linter even without any configuration, and you already have it, just run cargo clippy!


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