What's everyone working on this week (12/2017)?

New week, new Rust! What are you folks up to?

Working on making the request body generic in elastic. This should put us in a pretty good place once hypers async API lands, because users will be able to supply their own body streams for stuff like bulk requests.

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After discovering, much to my surprise, that there is no RCU construct in Cargo yet, studying a bit the matter in order to figure out what I could implement there.

Turns out the original Linux RCU is actually based on an incredibly ugly scheduling hack, which only an OS kernel could pull off. Any "user-space RCU" will have to either impose fairly unpleasant constraints on readers or to have much lower read performance. Moral of the story: synchronization is not cheap, and if you want cheap access to some data, you should really copy or move it to thread-local storage.


Completely redesigning rental as a proc macro to be able to support more elaborate use cases such as two or more levels of self-borrowing, and nested self-borrowing. This is made possible on stable by the use of procedural_masquerade.

I'm working on my fork of a Rust implementation of the SenseHat API, which was originally written in Python. This week I made it possible to write colors to the LED screen and to change the gamma values. Next, I'm going to work on the IMU sensors.

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