I'm currently working on an API wrapper to the new Vulkan graphics API called krust
. This shall become a Rust-like wrapper around the original bindings.
I didn't want to wait for a generic API-binding generator to become available. To get started I hand-crafted the bindings for everyone to play with: krust on crates.io
Bear with me as I'm just starting to get familiar with Vulkan, Rust, GitHub, Cargo, etc. and this is just a first attempt to make the new API available. Any help is welcome!
Things that will be improved (despite just 'everything'):
- Platform independence; the bindings are currently written and tested for win64 (
); i still have to learn how to 'flexibilize' this - A hand-full of functions using function pointers or perform other types of call-backs still need to be adopted
- Somehow connect the API to a window manager to get the
hello triangle
on screen rather than in memory (I'm pretty sure @tomaka will beat me on this)
- The hand-crafted wrapper will possibly be removed later, as a generic one comes available (I believe @brendanzab is working on this)
- I still have to figure out whether or how to integrate a SPIR-V compiler (Rust-to-SPIR-V would be awesome!)
The test program just tries to connect to the driver by fetching an Instance
, and printing out its handle.
Hint: If you're using the using the current nVidia beta drivers (on Windows), you'll have to install the msvcr120.dll
(Microsoft Visual C Redistributables 20-something) or you'll receive a far negative exit code when loading the dll (took me 3 hours to figure this out ).
Have fun!