Hi, I'm using VSCode + rust-lang.rust-analyzer on macOS. The mutable variable name guess is with underlines on line 5 & 7. How can I turn the underline off from variable name in VSCode settings.json?
Well, this will disable any semantic highlighting, including useful things such as e.g. syntax highlighting of formatting strings.
The answer I linked to will however only disable the underlining of mutable variables (or variables holding mutable references, or &mut self method calls)
Yes, I understand that. 10+ lines in json to turn off 1 feature - the underline for mut variable name? I prefer to turn off them all.
Actually, the only feature I need most is the outline view of symbols. The Source insight editor does a great job on this feature. I can't add underline for a variable name in text editor, so I don't need extra underline for a name. I don't need syntax highlight, auto completion too.