Try out Rust IDE support in Visual Studio Code

rust-analysis is the data which the RLS uses for the standard libraries. The RLS component is called rls-preview on all channels. Right now, the RLS cannot be used on nightly because it is broken. I expect this to be resolved within the next few days, however, it is likely to happen every now and again. If you want to be able to continuously use the RLS, I recommend using the beta or stable channels.

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How do i edit the "Run test" code lens decorator that appears above each of my unit tests? I am evaluating rust and vscode in a multi project setup and need to add "--all" to the CLI options otherwise it won't see the tests in my subproject and hence runs nothing when clicked. Currently running individual tests in terminal as workaround.

I have overridden "cargo build", " cargo run", "cargo test" vscode tasks with the same change using normal vscode task editing. However can't see how to do the same for the code-lens actions.