Tk crates, providing friendly APIs both for rustaceans and Tcl/Tk programmers

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High-level bindings to Tk 8.6

The crate tk is bindings to Tk commands, aiming at:

  • Make Tk programers feel at home if possible.

  • Provide for non-Tk-programers easy-to-use API to start writing Tk GUI programs under constraints of Rust types, without the need of concatenating command strings of too flexible arguments.

A quick glance

use tk::*;
use tk::cmd::*;

fn main() -> TkResult<()> {
    let tk = make_tk!()?;
    let root = tk.root();
    root.add_label( -text("constructs widgets and layout step by step") )?
    let f = root
    let _btn = f
        .add_button( "btn" -text("quit") -command("destroy .") )?
    Ok( main_loop() )

Another glance

use tk::*;
use tk::cmd::*;

fn main() -> TkResult<()> {
    let tk = make_tk!()?;
        -pack( -label( -text("constructs widgets and layout in one expression") ))
        -pack( -frame( -pack( -button( "btn" -text("quit") -command("destroy .") ))))
    Ok( main_loop() )

The naming conventions in translating Tk commands to Rust bindings

  1. Prefix Tk widget constructors with add_ and put parentheses around option values.

    The Tk command to add a widget looks like Constructor path -options_and_values, e.g.

    label .lb -text "lorem ipsum" -width 50 -height 20

    The equivalent Rust statement is as follows.

    let lb = root.add_label( /*".lb"*/ -text("lorem ipsum") -width(50) -height(20) )?;
  2. Converts Tcl's imperative style to Rust's object style

    The Tk command is in the form of "verb noun options", e.g.

    pack .lb -fill both

    The equivalent Rust statement is in th form of "object method options", as follows.

    lb.pack( -fill("both") )?; // use pack(()) without any option.
  3. Converts Tk's space-separated commands to Rust's underscore-separated function names.

    Tk commands are space-separated, e.g.

    tk fontchooser show

    The equivalent Rust statement is as follows.


    Users can look into the Tk command reference and find the "fontchooser" page then search "show".

  4. Distinguish between set and get via the set_ prefix.

    In Tk, it is common to distinguish set and get by providing or omitting the value argument, e.g.

    wm title window "Lorem ipsum" means to set the window's title to "Lorem ipsum",
    while wm title window means to get the windows' title.

    The equivalent Rust statements are as follows.

    window.set_wm_title( "Lorem ipsum" )?;

Why I gave up writing most documents

I planned to write doc comments for every public types, traits, macros and functions in this crate. Isn't it very bold? All APIs, 100% well documented in doc comments. My earlier crates' APIs are nearly 100% documented. I thought a well documented crate would make all users excited. It is estimated to take only 20-25 days to fill all APIs with doc comments. But finally I gave up. Why? I read through the official Tk command references, and could not make my mind to translate it in Rust. Do you know what the biggest problem is? Certainly it's an engineering problem. Firstly, in a brief, the biggest problem is development efficiency. No time for documenting, for an experimental crate in its version 0.1.0. Fundamental APIs may evolve in later versions 0.2, 0.3...etc, just like they evolved in unpublished 0.0.x versions. Once changed, it may be necessary to change a lot of doc comments, taking another time budget of 20-25 days. Too slow for rapid developing. Secondly, the probability of wasting the effort to providing document in Rust is more than 50%. The users of this crate may be familiar with Tcl/Tk programming, and they can master immediately 95% usage of this crate after reading a few demonstration code. Even users who are not familiar with Tk, can translate between Tcl and Rust themselves when reading the Tk command reference, with the help of naming conventions described above. I have learned that 100% documenting this experimental crate will do harm to development efficiency, and lose a chance to take advantage of the existing high quality documentation of Tcl/Tk library, to which this crate provides bindings. Which is more important, 100% document coverage, or rapid development?
It is a pity that cargo doc produces little content here — In fact the refused to build tcl-0.1.0 and tk-0.1.0 — but lucky for me to be sane.

The Tutorial book

Luckily, I've got enough time to translate in Rust the Tk tutorial.

Tk 0.1.4 published. Two notable new features:

  1. Now you can add_menus() in one statement.

  2. Created widgets in add_widgets() or add_menus() can be query-ed. An example:

 let menu_recent = created_widgets.query::<TkMenu<_>>( "menubar.file.recent" ).unwrap();

Tk 0.1.5 published. One notable new feature:

Provides HBox/VBox which do not exists in Tcl/Tk. They're basically two separated drag-resizable frames in one, placed horizontally/vertically.

Useful links:

  1. Project url

  2. Tutorial book

Thanks to @mark for noticing me the tk GUI library and generated the initial motivation for this crate.
Now crate tk can do better than Tcl/Tk in organizing hierarchical widgets tree and can do compile-time check to some extent.

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