Support for Pulsar Edit

Will there be support for Puksar Edit editor ( popular fork of atom editor ) as it supports LSP. the old ide-rust ( originally for atom ) works but the repo is archived and last change in that repo was around 3 years will the rustanalyzer team bring it to pulsar as pulsar is based on atom and it would not be hard to port the extention to pulsar

So can you guys help me understand how to rust analyzer executable work and how it communicates with ide rust extention?
So that i can maintain an extention myself?

So for my bad english

Do you really need Pulsar? Since zed is written in Rust I would expect that most of it's community (if not all) would use it. When I heard about rendering UI on GPU for the very first time I know what type of software I would be interested in future.

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But im on linux, have a low end laptop....thats why i use works great......if the rust team cannot maintain another extention.....the i will....but i need help to understand how rust analyzer talks to 'ide-rust'

That should no longer be a problem.

Well … Do you remember Windows XP? A time of first Service Pack, when 2-core processor (AMD Athlon x64 dual core processor) was something new? On terrible old PC I have compiled Gentoo … from stage 1 … with full KDE 4, LibreOffice and Firefox. :crazy_face:

Today, you can install Rust using asdf and simply compile one editor. It would not be fastest thing you did for sure, but hey … that's a good chance to eat something else than pizza, go to shop and buy stuff you forgot to order 2 weeks ago and so on … :joy:

I'm using a little monster right now, so maybe I'm not a good one to speak about it, but current low end is not really that bad as long as you buy/upgrade it every few years. :thinking:

zed - maybe is not yet fully supported on Linux, but it already works and have a really good Rust support. You don't have to prepare any plugin - everythng should be working out-of-the-box. :+1:

I would even say that especially on low end laptop I would prefer to give CPU a bit rest and render GUI using GPU. I believe it would be much better than any old IDE blob eating your precious CPU. :crab:

Hmmm......ok lemme see through pulsar's documentation....if i can grind something.

My laptop specs:
4 gb ram
Intel celeron n4020
1tb hdd
Os debian 12.5

Since you use it, how does it compare to other editors? I'm interested in the features that were in Sublime Text & VS Code:

  1. Moving blocks of code
  2. Multiple cursors & selection
  3. Closing and opening blocks of code (must say VC can only either open/close current block at current level, or open/close all blocks in the whole file)
  4. Going to definition and searching for the uses of a method/struct (VC does it a lot better)
  5. Debugging (again VC is imperfect but it works, unlike ST)

answer number is according to your question

  1. works good
  2. works
  3. if you mean code folding, then maybe no (idk never used it)
  4. probably not, but can using packages (extension)
  5. probably not, but can using packages (extension)
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This one have almost 5 years, so I would consider preparing to upgrade. Consider using AMD processors as they should offer similar performance to Intel ones with lower price.

Windows XP required 256 MB, Vista 2+ GB, 7 1-2 GB. On Linux you should not have a problem with 512 MB minimum requirements (if not less).

Is this how low end works now? Man, I still remember HDDs with dozens and hundreds of GB. I feel so old now. :older_man:

For now I'm using Sublime Text 4 and only testing zed + using it for learning Rust. I choose Sublime before as it was fastest one I was aware about. At that time I was in need to deal with old JSON database - just imagine a typical IDE loading dozens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of small .json files into project tree - not even mentioning using them. Unfortunately I don't have anymore such source to compare and as said now I have a little monster with Crucial T700 4TB PCIe Gen5 NVMe M.2 SSD, so I guess than everything is smooth on it. :sweat_smile:

I would also answer in the same order as your questions:

  1. Increase/decrease indention as well as moving block up and down works as expected
  2. Good idea as I'm not using it so often - just tried it and it works fine
  3. Works
  4. Works
  5. Sublime Text 4 have amazing integration that suggest a fix to a code and allow to apply it on just one click. It would be amazing if zed would have the same feature, but anyway debugging looks very good.

Some screenshots


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Ever linux user need not to use something fancy like tiling window manager, not everyone likes that. All they (including me ) need is a simple desktop experience

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Well said! :+1:

Of course XFCE, LXQt or Enlightment should do the job. There are lots of distributions with support for them. That's said I have used KDE 4 and KDE Plasma 5 on laptop with 4 GB RAM without any problem. :thinking:

However once you would get into your hand even a little monster there is no going back. I'm using Plasma 6 with 120+ Firefox tabs (in 5 groups), emerge in background as well as 2 code editors, PDF reader, 2 communicators, some video player and few other apps and scripts working in the background. :crazy_face:

When you would first use your new PC you would understand that you really needed a solid upgrade. :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Is that "fancy" now a days? That is what we had in Windows 2.0

Hmm. My impressions of Rust in SublimeText 3 in 2022-23 was quite rough. It does show the errors, but with some bugs, poor methods lookup, and can't debug at all. Maybe in 4 it got better.

In Sublime Text I'm using 3 Rust packages:

  1. Rust Enhanced
  2. RustFmt
  3. LSP-rust-analyzer

Also I use those settings for Rust Enhanced:

  "rust_message_status_bar": true,
  "rust_syntax_checking_method": "clippy"

I'm new to Rust so most probably there is someone with a better setup, but this is enough for me.

Actually, I checked, and I have SublimeText v4.

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