Rust web development hosting

Another option is Scaleway which provides 4-core ARMv7 with 2GB RAM and 50GB SSD for only 3€/month. I have a few instances on which I'm hosting several services (email, git, website written in Node.js + MongoDB), it works great :slight_smile:

I've recently managed to cross-compile my Web framework written in Rust, edge, to use it on a Scaleway server using the arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf target. I initially struggled with an "Illegal instruction" error when running rustup for armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf. I found out that ARMv7 is generally understood as ARMv7 with NEON support, and since the ARM cores that Scaleway use do not have NEON support, you need to use the arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf instead.