Is there a significant difference in performance of Rust code on machines with different configurations?
I have a feature that retrieves 4000 pieces of data from the database, modifies and saves the database according to different situations. It takes 2 minutes to complete on the local machine Mac Studio M1, but it takes 40 minutes on the server (CPU E5-2670 2 core) to complete
There is no difference between local and server Java code with the same functionality, and it can be completed in about 2 minutes
Is it because some Rust configurations are not turned on? thank you!
求助大神,rust 代码 在不同配置的机器上性能差异很大吗?
我有个功能从数据库取出4千条数据,根据不同情况修改保存数据库,在本地机器 mac studio m1 上2分钟完成,服务器(CPU E5-2670 2核)上40分钟都没有完成.
rust code
lazy_static! {
static ref GLOBAL_RUNTIME: Runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread()
rayon::spawn(move || {
GLOBAL_RUNTIME.block_on(async {
match global_service:: back_task(&app, cycle, item, ds.clone(), date_time).await {
Ok(s) => println!("{}!{}", if s == 1 { "ok" } else { "fail" }, Local::now().naive_local()),
Err(e) => println!("fail!{:?} {}", e, Local::now().naive_local())
pub async fn back_task(app: &AppState, cycle: i32, item: i8, codes: Vec<String>, date_time: NaiveDateTime) -> Result<u8, AppError> {
let mut status = 0;
if let Ok(specialty) = codes[6].parse::<i32>() {
let mut cons = Vec::new();
let mut tops = Vec::new();
let mut stas = Vec::new();
let con = &mut app.redis.get().await.expect("redis fail");
let specialty_attribute = mark_six_tool::code_attribute(codes[6].clone(), date_time);
for one in m_topics_type::MASTER_TYPES {
let cid = (item as i32 * 100) + one.0;
let result = match one.0 {
1 | 2 | 3 | 12 => specialty_attribute[1].clone(),
4 | 5 | 17 => codes[6].clone(),
6 => specialty_attribute[4].clone(),
7 => if specialty == 49 { "A".to_string() } else { if specialty % 2 == 0 { "B".to_string() } else { "C".to_string() } },
8 => if specialty == 49 { "A".to_string() } else { if specialty > 24 { "D".to_string() } else { "E".to_string() } },
9 | 13 => codes[6].clone()[1..].to_string(),
10 | 14 => codes[6].clone()[..1].to_string(),
11 | 15 => specialty_attribute[3].clone(),
16 => format!("{}{}", specialty_attribute[4].clone(), if specialty % 2 == 0 { "B" } else { "C" }),
18 | 21 => format!("{},{},{},{},{},{},{}"
, mark_six_tool::code_attribute(codes[0].clone(), date_time)[1]
, mark_six_tool::code_attribute(codes[1].clone(), date_time)[1]
, mark_six_tool::code_attribute(codes[2].clone(), date_time)[1]
, mark_six_tool::code_attribute(codes[3].clone(), date_time)[1]
, mark_six_tool::code_attribute(codes[4].clone(), date_time)[1]
, mark_six_tool::code_attribute(codes[5].clone(), date_time)[1]
, specialty_attribute[1]
19 | 22 => format!("{},{},{},{},{},{},{}"
, codes[0].clone()[1..].to_string()
, codes[1].clone()[1..].to_string()
, codes[2].clone()[1..].to_string()
, codes[3].clone()[1..].to_string()
, codes[4].clone()[1..].to_string()
, codes[5].clone()[1..].to_string()
, codes[6].clone()[1..].to_string()
_ => codes.join(",") //20
if result.len() > 0 {
let mut right = false;
// match m_content_service::find_cid_cycle(&app, cid, cycle).await {
match m_content_service::find_test(&app).await {
Ok(contents) => {
for mut content in contents {
match m_topics_service::find_one(&app, content.tid).await {
Ok(mut topics) => {
match one.0 {
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 9 | 10 | 11 => right = content.content.contains(&result),
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 => right = result != content.content.clone(),
18 | 19 => right = result.contains(&content.content),
17 => right = !content.content.contains(&result),
7 | 8 => right = result == "和" || content.content == result,
20 => {
if content.content.contains(",") {
right = true;
let res_arr: Vec<&str> = result.split(",").collect();
let c_arr: Vec<&str> = content.content.split(",").collect();
'outer: for r in res_arr {
for c in c_arr.clone() {
if c == r {
right = false;
break 'outer;
_ => { // 21|22=>{
if content.content.contains(",") {
let c_arr: Vec<&str> = content.content.split(",").collect();
if c_arr.len() == 2 {
right = result.contains(&c_arr[0]) && result.contains(&c_arr[1]);
content.result = result.clone();
content.status = if right { 1 } else { -1 };
// println!("zhong:{}:{}:{}:{}:{}:{}", one.1,content.tid, content.status, content.cid, content.result, content.content); = + 1;
if right {
topics.correct = topics.correct + 1;
topics.continuous_hit = topics.continuous_hit + 1;
topics.continuous_err = 0;
} else {
topics.continuous_hit = 0;
topics.continuous_err = topics.continuous_err + 1;
if topics.continuous_hit > topics.long_continuous_hit {
topics.long_continuous_hit = topics.continuous_hit;
if topics.continuous_err > topics.long_continuous_err {
topics.long_continuous_err = topics.continuous_err;
let accuracy = if == 0 { 0.0 } else { ((topics.correct as f64 / as f64) * 10000.0).round() / 10000.0 };
topics.accuracy = accuracy;
if topics.accuracy < one.2 { m_topics_service::update(&app, topics).await?; } else {
match m_statistic_service::find_cid_cycle(&app, cid, cycle).await {
Ok(ms) => {
for mut m in ms {
m.is_reck = 1;
m.hit = result.clone();
Err(e) => error!("ms:{:?}", e)
// let ms = m_statistic_service::find_cid_cycle(&app, cid, cycle).await?;
Err(e) => error!("topics:{:?}", e)
// let mut topics = m_topics_service::find_one(&app, content.tid).await?;
Err(e) => error!("contents:{:?}", e)
con.del::<_, i32>(format!("Master{}m_praise", cid)).await?;
con.del::<_, i32>(format!("Master{}all", cid)).await?;
// if cons.len() > 0 { m_content_service::batch_update(&app, cons).await?; }
// if tops.len() > 0 { m_topics_service::batch_update(&app, tops).await?; }
// if stas.len() > 0 { m_statistic_service::batch_update_lottery(&app, stas).await?; }
status = 1;
println!(" status:{status} {}",Local::now());
java code:springboot3.4
public void taskAsync(int cycle, LocalDateTime lotteryDateTime, String codeStr, int s) {