Runtime error: thread 'main' panicked at 'StringComponentStore.get_mut: internal downcast error'


I'm getting the following error at runtime after pressing the =-button:

thread 'main' panicked at 'StringComponentStore.get_mut: internal downcast error', /Users/lol/.cargo/git/checkouts/dces-rust-0e90bfa1cf1cf6e4/fb2c263/src/component/

With the following code:

use orbtk::*;

/// Module holding all the mathematical logic to actually calculate a result
mod logic {
    use std::str::FromStr;
    // Trait to allow subscription access to chars in Strings using ch function.
    trait StringSubscription {
        fn ch(&self, pos: usize) -> char; 
    impl StringSubscription for String {
        fn ch(&self, pos: usize) -> char {

     * Function to check if given character is an operator or not.
     * # Arguments
     * * `c` - Character to check.
     * # Return
     * Boolean. Returns true if `c` is an operator.
     * # Example
     * ```
     * assert_eq!(is_operator('+'), true);
     * assert_eq!(is_operator('x'), true);
     * ```
    fn is_operator(c: char) -> bool {
        let operators : [char; 4] = ['+', '-', '*', '/'];
        if operators.contains(&c) {
        } else {

     * Function to get precedence of an operator. This to determine
     * which operator to evaluate first.
     * # Arguments
     * * `operator` - Char. Operator to check
     * # Return
     * i8. Returns an integer representing the precedence of the `operator`.
     * # Example
     * ```
     * assert_eq!(precedence('+') < precedence('*'), true);
     * assert_eq!(precedence('*') == precedence('/'), true);
     * assert_eq!(precedence('-') >= precedence('/'), false);
     * ```
    fn precedence(operator: char) -> i8 {
        match operator {
            '+' => 1,
            '-' => 1,
            '*' => 2,
            '/' => 2,
            _ => -1,

     * Function to convert an infix string to postfix notation.
     * # Arguments
     * * `infix` - String containing the infix.
     * # Return
     * Returns a string in postfix notation.
     * # Example
     * ```
     * let s : String = "5+5";
     * assert_eq!(to_postfix(s), "5 5 +");
     * ```
    fn to_postfix(mut infix: String) -> String {
        let mut postfix : String = "".to_string();

        // Stack to temporarily hold operators, and nr is
        // a helper variable to group digits together in their number
        let mut stack : std::vec::Vec<char> = std::vec::Vec::new();
        let mut nr : String = "".to_string();

        // If first character in infix is a minus-operator (AKA first number is a negative)
        // Add "0" to create "0-[number]"
        if == '-' {
            infix = format!("{}{}", "0", infix);

        // Looping over infix string
        for mut i in 0..infix.len() {
            // If currently evaluated character ain't an operator, it's a digit
            if !is_operator( {
                // If digit is first one in a group of digits (AKA a number)
                // put that number in nr
                while !is_operator( && i < infix.len() {
                    nr = format!("{}{}", nr, infix.chars().nth(i).unwrap());
                    i = i + 1;

                i = i - 1;

                // Append number to postfix string
                postfix = format!("{}{}", postfix, nr);
                nr = "".to_string();
            } else {
                // This block is executed when the evaluated character is an operator

                // If the stack is empty, or the evaluated operator has a higher precedence than the
                // one in the stack, push it (Needs to be appended to the postfix string later)
                if stack.is_empty() || precedence( > precedence(*stack.last().unwrap()) {
                } else {
                    // While the stack contains a higher or equally high precedence as the
                    // evaluated character: append top of stack to postfix string
                    while precedence(*stack.last().unwrap()) >= precedence( {
                        postfix = format!("{}{}{}", postfix, stack.pop().unwrap(), ' ');
                        if stack.is_empty() {

                    // Push evaluated operator to stack



        // Append all the remaining operators from stack to postfix string
        while !stack.is_empty() {
            postfix = format!("{}{}", postfix, stack.pop().unwrap());


     * Evaluate two numbers regarding operator
     * # Arguments
     * * `x` - First number to do evaluation witch
     * * `y` - Second number to do evaluation with
     * * `operator` - Operator (+, -, *, /) to evaluate `x` and `y` with
     * # Return
     * Returns the result of the evaluation
     * # Example
     * ```
     * assert_eq!(evaluate(5, 2, '+'), 7);
     * assert_eq!(evaluate(2, 2, '*'), 4);
     * assert_eq!(evaluate(5, 10, '-'), -5);
     * assert_eq!(evaluate(0, -5, '-'), 5);
     * ```
    fn evaluate(x: f64, y: f64, operator: char) -> f64 {
        match operator {
            '+' => x + y,
            '-' => x - y,
            '*' => x * y,
            '/' => x / y,
            _ => 0.00

     * Calculate the result of an infix string (`s` gets converted to postfix inside this
     * function)
     * # Return
     * Returns the result as a double.
     * # Example
     * ```
     * assert_eq!(calculate("5+5"), 10);
     * assert_eq!(calculate("5+5*2"), 15);
     * assert_eq!(calculate("5-20/2"), -5);
     * ```
    pub fn calculate(s: &String) -> f64 {
        // Convert to postfix
        let s = to_postfix(s.clone());

        // Stack for holding operators and nr for grouping digits who belong together as a number
        let mut stack : std::vec::Vec<f64> = std::vec::Vec::new();
        let mut nr : String = "".to_string();
        for mut i in 0..s.len() {
            if == ' ' {
            // If evaluated character is a digit, put it in nr
            if {
                // If digit is first in a group of digits (AKA a number), put that
                // whole number in nr
                while {
                    nr = format!("{}{}", nr,;
                    i = i + 1;
                i = i - 1;

                // Pushing nr to stack
                nr = "".to_string();
            } else {
                // If current evaluated character is not a digit
                // but an operator, do a calculation
                // Retrieve first number of calculation
                let x : f64 = stack.pop().unwrap();
                let y : f64 = stack.pop().unwrap();

                // Put evaluation result in integer and push into stack
                let result : f64 = evaluate(x, y,;

        // Final number is in stack


extern crate strum;
extern crate strum_macros;


// Enumeration of all possible operators
enum Operator {

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum Action {


#[derive(AsAny, Default)]
pub struct MainViewState {
    screen: String,
    action: Option<Action>,

impl MainViewState {
    fn action(&mut self, action: impl Into<Option<Action>>) { //?
        self.action = action.into();

impl State for MainViewState {
    fn update(&mut self, _: &mut Registry, ctx: &mut Context) {
        if let Some(action) = self.action {
            match action {
                Action::Char(c) => match c {
                    '=' => {
                        let mut screen = ctx.child("screen");
                        let screen_text : &String = screen.get_mut::<String>("text");
                        let result : f64 = logic::calculate(screen_text);
                    _ => {

            self.action = None;

// helper to request MainViewState
fn state<'a>(id: Entity, states: &'a mut StatesContext) -> &'a mut MainViewState {

impl Template for MainView {
    fn template(self, id: Entity, ctx: &mut BuildContext) -> Self {
        // Initializing Grid
        let mut grid = Grid::create(); 

        // Configuring grid (amount of rows and columns)
        grid = grid
        //Adding textbox holding entered numbers and operators
        grid = grid.child(

        // Adding all buttons from 1-9 to the grid
        // in calculator format
        let mut counter : u8 = 9;
        for i in 1..4 {
            for j in 0..3 {
                grid = grid.child(
                            move |states, _| -> bool {
                                state(id, states).action(Action::Char(std::char::from_digit(counter as u32, 10).unwrap()));

                counter = counter - 1;

        // Adding +, -, x, /
        let operators : Vec<char> = vec!['+', '-', '*', '/', '='];
        let mut i = 1;
        for operator in operators {
                grid = grid.child(
                            move |states, _| -> bool {
                                state(id, states).action(Action::Char(operator));

                i = i + 1;

        // Adding zero-button (Seperate because of special column-span)
        grid = grid.child(
                    move |states, _| -> bool {
                        state(id, states).action(Action::Char(std::char::from_digit(0, 10).unwrap()));


fn main() {
        .window(|ctx| {
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(212.0, 336.0)


name = "calculator"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["lol"]
edition = "2018"

# See more keys and their definitions at

orbtk = { git = "", branch = "develop" }

strum = "0.18.0"
strum_macros = "0.18.0"

I think it gets caused by one of the following lines: L86, L198, L201, L290-294.
Google didn't gave any useful hits for this error though...

The correct way to get the TextBox content as String in OrbTk is

let screen_text : String = screen.get_mut::<String16>("text").as_string();

at L292.

That solved the runtime error.

I have the problem above. Thanks for your share.

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