OrbTk GUI Calculator with parser


I'm fidgeting a bit around with the different GUI-libraries in Rust just for fun.
Now I've made a calculator in OrbTk.

Look at this!

It's a really cool calculator. I want to bet you have never seen such a cool calculator in your life.

What makes this calculator so badass ain't its looks, but the way it calculates under the hood.
I've made a parser for this. The string you enter by clicking the buttons e.g 5+5 gets converted to postfix 5 5 + which gets calculated to finally return 10. If that ain't cool, I don't know what is.

Anyway, this is the full code (put these two files in src/):


/// Module holding all the mathematical logic to actually calculate a result
mod logic {
    use std::str::FromStr;
    // Trait to allow subscription access to chars in Strings using ch function.
    trait StringSubscription {
        fn ch(&self, pos: usize) -> char; 
    impl StringSubscription for String {
        fn ch(&self, pos: usize) -> char {

     * Function to check if given character is an operator or not.
     * # Arguments
     * * `c` - Character to check.
     * # Return
     * Boolean. Returns true if `c` is an operator.
     * # Example
     * ```
     * assert_eq!(is_operator('+'), true);
     * assert_eq!(is_operator('x'), false);
     * ```
    fn is_operator(c: char) -> bool {
        let operators : [char; 4] = ['+', '-', '*', '/'];
        if operators.contains(&c) {
        } else {

     * Function to get precedence of an operator. This to determine
     * which operator to evaluate first.
     * # Arguments
     * * `operator` - Char. Operator to check
     * # Return
     * i8. Returns an integer representing the precedence of the `operator`.
     * # Example
     * ```
     * assert_eq!(precedence('+') < precedence('*'), true);
     * assert_eq!(precedence('*') == precedence('/'), true);
     * assert_eq!(precedence('-') >= precedence('/'), false);
     * ```
    fn precedence(operator: char) -> i8 {
        match operator {
            '+' => 1,
            '-' => 1,
            '*' => 2,
            '/' => 2,
            _ => -1,

     * Function to convert an infix string to postfix notation.
     * # Arguments
     * * `infix` - String containing the infix.
     * # Return
     * Returns a string in postfix notation.
     * # Example
     * ```
     * let s : String = "5+5";
     * assert_eq!(to_postfix(s), "5 5 +");
     * ```
    fn to_postfix(mut infix: String) -> String {
        let mut postfix : String = "".to_string();

        // Stack to temporarily hold operators, and nr is
        // a helper variable to group digits together in their number
        let mut stack : std::vec::Vec<char> = std::vec::Vec::new();
        let mut nr : String = "".to_string();

        // If first character in infix is a minus-operator (AKA first number is a negative)
        // Add "0" to create "0-[number]"
        if infix.ch(0) == '-' {
            infix = format!("{}{}", "0", infix);

        // Looping over infix string
        let mut i = 0;
        while i < infix.len() {
            // If currently evaluated character ain't an operator, it's a digit
            if !is_operator(infix.ch(i)) {
                // If digit is first one in a group of digits (AKA a number)
                // put that number in nr
                while i < infix.len() && !is_operator(infix.ch(i))  {
                    nr = format!("{}{}", nr, infix.chars().nth(i).unwrap());
                    i = i + 1;

                i = i - 1;

                // Append number to postfix string
                postfix = format!("{}{}{}", postfix, nr, ' ');
                nr = "".to_string();
            } else {
                // This block is executed when the evaluated character is an operator

                // If the stack is empty, or the evaluated operator has a higher precedence than the
                // one in the stack, push it (Needs to be appended to the postfix string later)
                if stack.is_empty() || precedence(infix.ch(i)) > precedence(*stack.last().unwrap()) {
                } else {
                    // While the stack contains a higher or equally high precedence as the
                    // evaluated character: append top of stack to postfix string
                    while precedence(*stack.last().unwrap()) >= precedence(infix.ch(i)) {
                        postfix = format!("{}{}{}", postfix, stack.pop().unwrap(), ' ');
                        if stack.is_empty() {

                    // Push evaluated operator to stack


            i = i + 1;

        // Append all the remaining operators from stack to postfix string
        while !stack.is_empty() {
            postfix = format!("{}{}", postfix, stack.pop().unwrap());


     * Evaluate two numbers regarding operator
     * # Arguments
     * * `x` - First number to do evaluation witch
     * * `y` - Second number to do evaluation with
     * * `operator` - Operator (+, -, *, /) to evaluate `x` and `y` with
     * # Return
     * Returns the result of the evaluation
     * # Example
     * ```
     * assert_eq!(evaluate(5, 2, '+'), 7);
     * assert_eq!(evaluate(2, 2, '*'), 4);
     * assert_eq!(evaluate(5, 10, '-'), -5);
     * assert_eq!(evaluate(0, -5, '-'), 5);
     * ```
    fn evaluate(x: f64, y: f64, operator: char) -> f64 {
        match operator {
            '+' => x + y,
            '-' => x - y,
            '*' => x * y,
            '/' => x / y,
            _ => 0.00

     * Calculate the result of an infix string (`s` gets converted to postfix inside this
     * function)
     * # Return
     * Returns the result as a double.
     * # Example
     * ```
     * assert_eq!(calculate("5+5"), 10);
     * assert_eq!(calculate("5+5*2"), 15);
     * assert_eq!(calculate("5-20/2"), -5);
     * ```
    pub fn calculate(s: String) -> f64 {
        // Convert to postfix
        let s = to_postfix(s);

        // Stack for holding operators and nr for grouping digits who belong together as a number
        let mut stack : std::vec::Vec<f64> = std::vec::Vec::new();
        let mut nr : String = "".to_string();

        let mut i = 0;
        while i < s.len() {
            if s.ch(i) == ' ' {
                i = i + 1;
            // If evaluated character is a digit, put it in nr
            if s.ch(i).is_digit(10) {
                // If digit is first in a group of digits (AKA a number), put that
                // whole number in nr
                while s.ch(i).is_digit(10) {
                    nr = format!("{}{}", nr, s.ch(i));
                    i = i + 1;

                // Pushing nr to stack
                nr = "".to_string();
            } else {
                // If current evaluated character is not a digit
                // but an operator, do a calculation
                // Retrieve first number of calculation
                let x : f64 = stack.pop().unwrap();
                let y : f64 = stack.pop().unwrap();

                // Put evaluation result in integer and push into stack
                let result : f64 = evaluate(y, x, s.ch(i));

            i = i + 1;

        // Final number is in stack

    // Testing this module.
    mod tests {
        use super::*;

        // We have made a custom implementation to retrieve a n-th
        // character from a string. Let's test if it works correctly here.
        fn test_string_subscription() {
            let my_str : String = "abc123".to_string();

            assert_eq!(my_str.ch(0), 'a');
            assert_eq!(my_str.ch(1), 'b');
            assert_eq!(my_str.ch(2), 'c');
            assert_eq!(my_str.ch(3), '1');
            assert_eq!(my_str.ch(4), '2');
            assert_eq!(my_str.ch(5), '3');

        fn test_is_operator() {
            assert_eq!(is_operator('+'), true);
            assert_eq!(is_operator('-'), true);
            assert_eq!(is_operator('*'), true);
            assert_eq!(is_operator('/'), true);
            assert_eq!(is_operator('a'), false);
            assert_eq!(is_operator('1'), false);
            assert_eq!(is_operator('&'), false);

        fn test_precedence() {
            assert!(precedence('*') > precedence('+'));
            assert!(precedence('/') > precedence('+'));
            assert!(precedence('*') > precedence('-'));
            assert!(precedence('/') > precedence('-'));
            assert!(precedence('/') == precedence('*'));
            assert!(precedence('-') == precedence('-'));

        fn test_to_postfix() {
            assert_eq!(to_postfix("1+1".to_string()), "1 1 +".to_string());
            assert_eq!(to_postfix("5+5-1".to_string()), "5 5 + 1 -".to_string());
            assert_eq!(to_postfix("-1+5".to_string()), "0 1 - 5 +".to_string());
            assert_eq!(to_postfix("-1".to_string()), "0 1 -".to_string());
            assert_eq!(to_postfix("2*2/3-1+3".to_string()), "2 2 * 3 / 1 - 3 +".to_string());
            assert_eq!(to_postfix("0*3/4*2".to_string()), "0 3 * 4 / 2 *".to_string());
            //assert_eq!(to_postfix("-5+10*-5".to_string()), "-5 10 -5 * +".to_string());

        fn test_evaluate() {
            assert_eq!(evaluate(5.0, 5.0, '+'), 10.0);
            assert_eq!(evaluate(5.0, 15.0, '-'), -10.0);
            assert_eq!(evaluate(5.0, 5.0, '*'), 25.0);
            assert_eq!(evaluate(5.0, 5.0, '/'), 1.0);
            assert_eq!(evaluate(5.0, 5.0, '-'), 0.0);
            assert_eq!(evaluate(23030.0, 93939.0, '+'), 116969.0);

        //Most important test
        fn test_calculate() {
            assert_eq!(calculate("5+5".to_string()), 10.0);
            assert_eq!(calculate("5-5".to_string()), 0.0);
            assert_eq!(calculate("5-10".to_string()), -5.0);
            assert_eq!(calculate("5*5".to_string()), 25.0);
            assert_eq!(calculate("5/5".to_string()), 1.0);
            assert_eq!(calculate("-5*2".to_string()), -10.0);
            assert_eq!(calculate("-5*2".to_string()), -10.0);
            //assert_eq!(calculate("-5+10*-5".to_string()), -55.0);
            assert_eq!(calculate("5+5+5+5".to_string()), 20.0);
            assert_eq!(calculate("5+5-5+5+5+5-5-5-5-5".to_string()), 0.0);
            assert_eq!(calculate("5*4/2+10-5".to_string()), 15.0);
            assert_eq!(calculate("5/2".to_string()), 2.5);
            assert_eq!(calculate("5+5-2-2+5*2*2*4-4/5+6".to_string()), 91.2);
            assert_eq!(calculate("5+5*2-2/4".to_string()), 14.5);
            assert_eq!(calculate("578873873*322/2222+32932-323232-222+28032".to_string()), 83624722.9189919);
            assert_eq!(calculate("0".to_string()), 0.0);
            assert_eq!(calculate("1".to_string()), 1.0);
            assert_eq!(calculate("-1".to_string()), -1.0);


// Including OrbTk
use orbtk::*;
use orbtk::theme::DEFAULT_THEME_CSS;

// Including file containing css for a dark theme
static DARK_THEME: &'static str = include_str!("styling.css");

// Helper function to get the correct theme
fn get_theme() -> ThemeValue {

// MainView is our widget

// Enumeration of possible Actions to execute when a button is clicked
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum Action {

// Our state of the MainView
#[derive(AsAny, Default)]
pub struct MainViewState {
    screen: String,
    action: Option<Action>,

impl MainViewState {
    // Setting the correct action
    fn action(&mut self, action: impl Into<Option<Action>>) { //?
        self.action = action.into();

impl State for MainViewState {
    // Updating to the correct state (e.g add digit to screen). Update
    // regarding the executed action, and char.
    fn update(&mut self, _: &mut Registry, ctx: &mut Context) {
        if let Some(action) = self.action {
            match action {
                Action::Char(c) => match c {
                    '=' => {
                        // When user presses '='-button we need to display the result after
                        // calculating it
                        let mut screen = ctx.child("screen");
                        let screen_text : String = screen.get_mut::<String16>("text").as_string();
                        let result : f64 = logic::calculate(screen_text.to_string());
                        // Clearing screen
                        // Pushing the result to the screen
                        for c in result.to_string().chars() {
                    'C' => {
                        // When user presses the Clear-button, we clear the screen
                    _ => {
                        // Otherwise a digit is pressed. Push digit to screen.

            // Reset action
            self.action = None;

// helper to request MainViewState
fn state<'a>(id: Entity, states: &'a mut StatesContext) -> &'a mut MainViewState {

// Here all the widgets get added
impl Template for MainView {
    fn template(self, id: Entity, ctx: &mut BuildContext) -> Self {
        // Initializing Grid
        let mut grid = Grid::create(); 

        // Configuring grid (amount of rows and columns)
        grid = grid
        //Adding textbox holding entered numbers and operators
        grid = grid.child(

        // Adding all buttons from 1-9 to the grid
        // in calculator format
        let mut counter : u8 = 9;
        for i in 1..4 {
            for j in 0..3 {
                grid = grid.child(
                            move |states, _| -> bool {
                                state(id, states).action(Action::Char(std::char::from_digit(counter as u32, 10).unwrap()));

                counter = counter - 1;

        // Adding +, -, x, /
        let operators : Vec<char> = vec!['+', '-', '*', '/', '='];
        let mut i = 1;
        for operator in operators {
                grid = grid.child(
                            move |states, _| -> bool {
                                state(id, states).action(Action::Char(operator));

                i = i + 1;

        // Adding zero-button (Seperate because of special column-span)
        grid = grid.child(
                    move |states, _| -> bool {
                        state(id, states).action(Action::Char(std::char::from_digit(0, 10).unwrap()));

        // Adding clear-button
        grid = grid.child(
                    move |states, _| -> bool {
                        state(id, states).action(Action::Char('C'));



fn main() {

        .window(|ctx| {
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(212.0, 336.0)


button {
    color: #FFFFFF;
    font-size: 18;
    padding: 5;
    border-radius: 0;
.digit_btn {
    background: #585858;
.action_btn {
    background: #FF8800;

#screen {
    background: #585858;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    font-size: 26;
    border-width: 0;
    border-radius: 0;

This is the cargo.toml:

name = "Orbulator"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Niel"]
edition = "2018"

# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html

orbtk = { git = "https://github.com/redox-os/orbtk.git", branch = "develop" }

I'd like to get some feedback on this little project!

  • Is it idiomatic?
  • What do you think about it in general?
  • Is the code readable and understandable?
  • Is it well documented?
  • What would you have done different?
  • Is there a possibility to optimize for performance/speed?
  • Do you think my parser is cool? (was a lot of work)

PS. During testing I found some very specific, really rare, and uncommon cases where the calculator fails. But I guess that just means that my testing was good. :wink:



Nice code! I like the method documentation.

A few nits:

  • in is_operator, the if is superfluous - if bool { true } else { false } is equivalent to bool
  • I'd probably just do Vec rather than std::vec::Vec - it's in the prelude and what Vec refers to is common knowledge
  • in precedence and evaluate, it would be better practice to panic on unexpected input, rather than trying to recover & thus letting bad data propagate around unnoticed.
  • it looks like calculate will panic on empty input, do to stack being empty. Might be worth having it return a Result or Option instead to handle that bad case?

I think that's most of the surface level things.

As for larger code structure, have you considered using a custom-built data structure for your infix notation, rather than making it into a string? Right now your code goes to a lot of work to create this entirely new formatted string with infix notation, only to immediately start into parsing it in calculate.

If you instead made an AST, or maybe something like a Vec<InfixOperandOrData>, I think the code could be sped up & made a lot cleaner. It would remove the need to print out the infix form, and also remove the need to parse it in calculate. In general, if has a certain structure, storing it in that structure - that parsed form - is usually nicer than storing the string. This blog post isn't exactly talking about this, but it's close enough that I'd recommend reading it.

In a similar vein, for correctness, it might be nice to have an operator enum rather than just using chars. That'd give you static assurance that none of your functions can be given invalid characters, and it'd also give the type signatures more explanatory power.

Of course, you could then also implement a print-to-infix operation on your data structure! That'd give you the best of both worlds - operating on already-parsed data in calculate, and also the ability to make an infix string.

Overall, though, the application looks good! I'm not too experienced with OrbTk GUIs, but the GUI code looks fairly clean from my novice eyes. And the calculation code isn't bad either :). It's a nice app!


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