Hello, I am pretty new to Embedded Rust. I am using a STM32 Discovery board for my learning platform and have been able to run/debug all of the samples, etc.
I am now working on a application that is leveraging these main crates:
cortex-m = "0.7.2"
cortex-m-rt = "0.6.13"
embedded-time = "0.10.1"
stm32f3xx-hal (getting from github repo)
stm32f3 (getting nightlies from github repo)
The application compiles fine, but it fails at the link stage with this error:
= note: rust-lld: error: duplicate symbol: DEVICE_PERIPHERALS
>>> defined at mod.rs:1686 (/Users/mvanbergen/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/stm32f3-0.13.0/src/stm32f303/mod.rs:1686)
>>> stm32f3-5fc64c156b17d2b8.stm32f3.4yidbzxb-cgu.12.rcgu.o:(DEVICE_PERIPHERALS) in archive /Users/mvanbergen/RustProjects/hanger_buddy/target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/debug/deps/libstm32f3-5fc64c156b17d2b8.rlib
>>> defined at mod.rs:1686 (/Users/mvanbergen/.cargo/git/checkouts/stm32-rs-nightlies-36f3a7b0991d6fd5/166b130/stm32f3/src/stm32f303/mod.rs:1686)
>>> stm32f3-c9cb3273ca7ed48d.stm32f3.5zc4bc5
I'm at wits end trying to figure out what's happening here. I would not say I am a veteran embedded developer as I have not done much for some time (I did C way back when). I would love to get this running! Any thoughts as to how I can debug this issue?