I'm just getting into Rust and trying to,flash it onto my own custom board where I normally run C++. This is a stable and working board that I haven't had any issues with when working with platformio/openocd.
It's based on the STM32L431RCT6 and I have an FT2232 on the board that I use to flash over USB with JTAG to the MCU.
When trying to run cargo embed
it quickly fails when trying to verify RAM which confuses me, but perhaps this is a Rust thing as I wouldn't expect RAM to matter before the program has started.
The output I see:
simon@simon-UX305CA:~/projects/stm32_rust/rustystm32$ cargo embed
profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.16s
Config default
Target /home/simon/projects/stm32_rust/rustystm32/target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/debug/rustystm32
ERROR probe_rs::flashing::flasher: Failed to verify flash algorithm. Data mismatch at address 0x20000004
ERROR probe_rs::flashing::flasher: Original instruction: 0x062d780d
ERROR probe_rs::flashing::flasher: Readback instruction: 0xe00abe00
ERROR probe_rs::flashing::flasher: Original: [e00abe00, 62d780d, 24084068, d3000040, 1e644058, 1c49d1fa, 2a001e52, 4770d1f, 8f4ff3bf, 48584770, 49586800, d000500, d0001840, 47702001, 6a004855, fc00280, b5004770, f7ff4602, 2801ffee, f7ffd108, 2801fff3, 484fd104, d3014282, bd002001, bd002000, 4602b500, ffddf7ff, d0022801, d8002d0, 4948bd00, 40080ad0, d5f90391, 300130ff, 4842bd00, 60814944, 60814944, 60012100, 61014943, 3c06a00, 4843d406, 60014941, 60412106, 60814941, 47702000, 49372001, 614807c0, 47702000, 47702001, 49384833, 13c16101, 69416141, 4122201, 61414311, 4a354937, 6011e000, 3db6903, 2100d4fb, 46086141, b5104770, f7ff4604, 4603ffa8, f7ff4620, 4925ffb5, 610c4c29, 2d800c2, 43021c92, 6948614a, 4122201, 61484310, 8f4ff3bf, 4a244826, 6010e000, 3db690b, 2000d4fb, 69086148, d0014020, 2001610c, b5f0bd10, 4d151dc9, 4f1908c9, 612f00c9, 616b2300, e0184c1a, 616b2301, 60036813, 60436853, 8f4ff3bf, e0004b13, 692e601c, d4fb03f6, 616b2300, 423b692b, 612fd002, bdf02001, 39083008, 29003208, 2000d1e4, bdf0, e0042000, fffffbcb, 40022000, 8020000, 3bf, 45670123, cdef89ab, c3fa, 5555, 40003000, fff, aaaa, 0]
ERROR probe_rs::flashing::flasher: Readback: [e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00, e00abe00]
ERROR probe_rs::architecture::arm::core::armv7m: The core is in locked up status as a result of an unrecoverable exception ERROR probe_rs::architecture::arm::core::armv7m: The core is in locked up status as a result of an unrecoverable exception ERROR probe_rs::architecture::arm::core::armv7m: The core is in locked up status as a result of an unrecoverable exception ERROR probe_rs::architecture::arm::core::armv7m: The core is in locked up status as a result of an unrecoverable exception ERROR probe_rs::architecture::arm::core::armv7m: The core is in locked up status as a result of an unrecoverable exception ERROR probe_rs::architecture::arm::core::armv7m: The core is in locked up status as a result of an unrecoverable exception ERROR probe_rs::architecture::arm::core::armv7m: The core is in locked up status as a result of an unrecoverable exception WARN probe_rs::session: Could not clear all hardware breakpoints: An ARM specific error occurred.Caused by:
Timeout occurred during operation. Error The flashing procedure failed for '/home/simon/projects/stm32_rust/rustystm32/target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/debug/rustystm32'.Caused by: The RAM contents did not match the expected contents after loading the flash algorithm.
It looks as if the first value being written is either repeated over and over or it's just reading back the first value many times.
use cortex_m_rt::entry;
use panic_halt as _;
fn main() -> ! {
loop {
FLASH : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 256K
RAM : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 64K
# USB vendor ID
usb_vid = "0403"
# USB product ID
usb_pid = "6010"
# Serial number
serial = "FT8XABI4"
# The protocol to be used for communicating with the target.
protocol = "Jtag"
#protocol = "Swd"
# The speed in kHz of the data link to the target.
# speed = 1337
# Whether or not the target should be flashed.
enabled = true
# Whether or not bytes erased but not rewritten with data from the ELF
# should be restored with their contents before erasing.
restore_unwritten_bytes = false
# The path where an SVG of the assembled flash layout should be written to.
# flash_layout_output_path = "out.svg"
# Triggers a full chip erase instead of a page by page erase.
do_chip_erase = false
# Whether to disable double buffering
disable_double_buffering = false
# Whether to verify flash contents before downloading
#preverify = false
# Whether to verify flash contents after downloading
verify = true
# Whether or not the target should be reset.
# When flashing is enabled as well, the target will be reset after flashing regardless of this setting.
enabled = true
# Whether or not the target should be halted after reset.
halt_afterwards = false
# The chip name of the chip to be debugged.
chip = "STM32L431RCTx"
# A list of chip descriptions to be loaded during runtime.
chip_descriptions = []
# The default log level to be used. Possible values are one of:
# If not set, the `RUST_LOG` environment variable will be used.
# log_level = "WARN"
# Use this flag to assert the nreset & ntrst pins during attaching the probe to the chip.
connect_under_reset = false
# Whether or not an RTTUI should be opened after flashing.
enabled = false
# The duration in ms for which the logger should retry to attach to RTT.
timeout = 3000
# Whether to save rtt history buffer on exit.
log_enabled = false
# Where to save rtt history buffer relative to manifest path.
log_path = "./logs"
# A list of up (target -> host) channel settings associations to be displayed. If left empty, all channels are displayed.
# object key - RTT channel identifier number
# mode (Optional) - RTT operation mode. Describes how the target handles RTT outputs that won't
# fit in the buffer. If left unset, the firmware will determine the default
# for each RTT up channel.
# * NoBlockSkip - Skip writing the data completely if it doesn't fit in its
# entirety.
# * NoBlockTrim - Write as much as possible of the data and ignore the rest.
# * BlockIfFull - Spin until the host reads data. Can result in app freezing.
# format (Optional) - How to interpret data from target firmware. One of:
# * String - Directly show output from the target (default)
# * Defmt - Format output on the host, see https://defmt.ferrous-systems.com/
# * BinaryLE - Display as raw hex
# show_location (Optional) - Whether to show the location of defmt messages in the UI.
# show_timestamps (Optional) - Whether to show the timestamps of String and Defmt messages in the UI, if available.
# socket (Optional) - Server socket address (for optional external frontend or endpoint).
# log_format (Optional) - Control the output format for `format = Defmt`.
up_channels = [
# { channel = 0, mode = "BlockIfFull", format = "Defmt", show_location = true },
# { channel = 1, mode = "BlockIfFull", format = "String", show_timestamps = false, socket = "" },
# A list of down (host -> target) channel settings. You can select a down channel for each UI tab,
# which will be used to send data to the target.
# object key - RTT channel identifier number
# mode (Optional) - RTT operation mode. Describes how the target handles RTT outputs that won't
# fit in the buffer. If left unset, the firmware will determine the default
# for each RTT down channel.
down_channels = [
# { channel = 0, mode = "BlockIfFull" }
# UI tab settings. All up channels are displayed, except when hidden here. You can specify how each
# tab is displayed and whether they allow sending data to the target.
# up_channel - The channel_number of the RTT up channel to display
# hide (Optional) - Whether to hide the tab. Defaults to false.
# down_channel (Optional) - The channel_number of the RTT down channel to use for this tab.
# name (Optional) - String to be displayed in the RTTUI tab. Defaults to the channel name.
tabs = [
# { up_channel = 0, down_channel = 0, name = "My channel" },
# { up_channel = 1, hide = true },
# Whether or not a GDB server should be opened after flashing.
enabled = false
# The connection string in host:port format wher the GDB server will open a socket.
gdb_connection_string = ""
I can't quite figure out what I could be doing wrong and would really appreciate your help. I'm happy to provide any additional information you need. I've tried to provide anything I think is relevant now.