Note on compilation time (Rust compilation feedback loop is as fast as in Go)

Just writing a notice on how you can easily defend slow compilation of Rust when it is compared with compilation time in Go.

Go focuses on keeping compilation times low and making the compiler really fast. Good luck for Go, because the compiler should focus on catching as much as possible bugs but not on throwing executable as soon as possible.

However, reasonably fast compilation time is the must for iterative feedback loop, in-flight IDE assistance. etc... What turned out that Rust is actually quite good at it, because cargo check returns errors list very fast. I have found it is sufficient enough for the fast iterative feedback and Intelij plugin leverages this, highlighting all errors in place (note: this feature is not enabled by default).


What turned out that Rust is actually quite good at it, because cargo check returns errors list very fast. I have found it is sufficient enough for the fast iterative feedback and Intelij plugin leverages this, highlighting all errors in place (note: this feature is not enabled by default).

Note to CLion users: It is in fact there. You just have to believe:
