I installed Rust by the steps on rust-lang.org: right top: button "Get started". After pressing this button, on this webpage:
Installing rustup, restart
Other tools: pressing the button "VS Code". Installing Visual Studio Code, and the extensions: rust-analyzer, Microsoft C++: while installing this, a compiler must be selected: I selected "cl", because of Visual Studio 2019 is already installed.
Command line: cargo new hello_world
I opened this with VS Code, and in the source code, appered 2 buttons: Run, Debug. These work, but the program runs inside the build window, not in a separated console window. The commands in the Run menu does not work: Run (F5), Run without debugging (CTRL+F5). At these, I must choose a debugger: I choosed C++ (Windows), but the other does not work so. I get the error message:
launch: program " does not exists
There is a button "Open 'launch.json'": this file is:
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
There is an "Add configuration" button, but Rust is not on the list, and there are a lot of C++ configuration, I tried 1, but this does not work. I installed the extension vscode-runner so, but this did not help me.
I am a practised programmer in C++ with Visual Studio 2019 Community, but an absolute beginner in VS code. But I installed the extension for Haskell so. (And before it, Haskell by command prompt). Another extensions does not installed.