Is rustc compiler single-threaded?

Hi. I am watching rust compile itself from sources and with VERBOSE=1 I can see the current command is, for example:

CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/zazdxscf/build/1nonpkgs/rust/rust/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/zazdxscf/build/1nonpkgs/rust/rust/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage0/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage0/bin/rustc --cfg stage0 -O --cfg rtopt -C prefer-dynamic -C no-stack-check --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -W warnings -L "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/zazdxscf/build/1nonpkgs/rust/rust/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release/lib" --out-dir x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage0/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-bb943c5a src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/

Watching with top I can see it uses no more than 100% CPU on a 4 core system which indicates to me it's using only one core(one thread I mean) otherwise it would go up to 400%

Or maybe only this stage0 rust is single-threaded? EDIT: stage1 too.

Note that I didn't pass -j4 to make because it fails to build because it gets ahead of itself at some point ...

The Rust compiler is mostly single-threaded, but has support for parallel codegen, which can be enabled by passing the -Ccodegen-units=N command (where N is the number of thread/codegen units you want). You can enable this for the bootstrap by using make RUSTFLAGS="-Ccodegen-units=N".

make -j4 should work perfectly fine, can you try again with a fresh master and after make clean? If it still doesn't work, you can open an issue.

1 Like

Thank you!

I reported it here `make` and `make -j4` have different behavior in compiling · Issue #14461 · rust-lang/rust · GitHub 9 days ago (with an edit of right now)
Should I really open a new issue? (that one is closed, but seems to be related enough given its title)

It fails even before it finishes compiling llvm. I was using make all but simply make has the same outcome:

/bin/sh: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustdoc: No such file or directory
/home/zazdxscf/build/1nonpkgs/rust/rust/mk/ recipe for target 'doc/grammar.html' failed
make: *** [doc/grammar.html] Error 127
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

Unfortunately by adding -Ccodegen-units=4 will core dump.

$ ./configure --prefix=/home/zazdxscf/build/1nonpkgs/rust/usr/local --disable-rpath --enable-manage-submodules --disable-clang --enable-ccache --enable-dist-host-only --disable-valgrind --disable-helgrind --disable-valgrind-rpass --python=/usr/bin/python2 --enable-optimize --enable-optimize-cxx --enable-optimize-llvm --enable-debug --disable-debuginfo --enable-debug-assertions --enable-debuginfo-tests --enable-llvm-assertions --enable-debug-jemalloc --disable-local-rust --release-channel=dev --host=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
$ time make -j1 -- VERBOSE=1 NO_REBUILD=1 TIME_PASSES=1 TIME_LLVM_PASSES=1 'RUSTFLAGS=--verbose -Z verbose -Z print-link-args -Z print-llvm-passes -Z verbose -C debug-assertions=y -Ccodegen-units=4' RUST_BACKTRACE=1
cfg: version 1.5.0-dev (9a855668f 2015-10-23)
cfg: build triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
cfg: host triples x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
cfg: target triples x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
cfg: enabling debug assertions (CFG_ENABLE_DEBUG_ASSERTIONS)
cfg: host for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu is x86_64
cfg: os for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu is unknown-linux-gnu
cfg: good valgrind for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu is 1
cfg: using CC=ccache gcc (CFG_CC)
cfg: disabling valgrind run-pass tests
touch /home/zazdxscf/build/1nonpkgs/rust/rust/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/llvm-auto-clean-stamp.start_time
make clean-llvmx86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/zazdxscf/build/1nonpkgs/rust/rust'
cp x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/libcompiler-rt.a x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage0/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libcompiler-rt.a
MATCHES=""; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libcore-*.so\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
MATCHES=""; if [ -n "$MATCHES" ] ; then echo "warning: removing previous" \'libcore-*.rlib\' "libraries:" $MATCHES; rm $MATCHES ; fi
CFG_LLVM_LINKAGE_FILE=/home/zazdxscf/build/1nonpkgs/rust/rust/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/rt/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/zazdxscf/build/1nonpkgs/rust/rust/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage0/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH   x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage0/bin/rustc --cfg stage0 --verbose -Z verbose -Z print-link-args -Z print-llvm-passes -Z verbose -C debug-assertions=y -Ccodegen-units=4 -O --cfg rtopt -C debug-assertions=on -Z time-passes -Z time-llvm-passes -C prefer-dynamic -C no-stack-check --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu  -W warnings -L "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/rt" -L native="/home/zazdxscf/build/1nonpkgs/rust/rust/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/Release+Asserts/lib"     --out-dir x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage0/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib -C extra-filename=-bb943c5a src/libcore/
time: 0.229; rss: 44MB    parsing
time: 0.077; rss: 45MB    configuration 1
time: 0.000; rss: 45MB    recursion limit
time: 0.006; rss: 45MB    gated macro checking
time: 0.000; rss: 45MB    crate injection
time: 0.003; rss: 45MB    macro loading
time: 0.000; rss: 45MB    plugin loading
time: 0.000; rss: 45MB    plugin registration
time: 1.428; rss: 73MB    expansion
time: 0.026; rss: 73MB    complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.296; rss: 73MB    configuration 2
time: 0.149; rss: 73MB    maybe building test harness
time: 0.000; rss: 73MB    prelude injection
time: 0.013; rss: 73MB    checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.027; rss: 73MB    complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.167; rss: 79MB    assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.013; rss: 79MB    external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.029; rss: 79MB    language item collection
time: 0.260; rss: 97MB    resolution
time: 0.024; rss: 94MB    lifetime resolution
time: 0.000; rss: 94MB    looking for entry point
time: 0.014; rss: 94MB    looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.101; rss: 105MB    region resolution
time: 0.013; rss: 105MB    loop checking
time: 0.013; rss: 105MB    static item recursion checking
time: 0.213; rss: 112MB    type collecting
time: 0.028; rss: 112MB    variance inference
time: 2.148; rss: 123MB    coherence checking
time: 16.765; rss: 169MB    type checking
time: 1.222; rss: 170MB    const checking
time: 0.132; rss: 170MB    privacy checking
time: 0.015; rss: 170MB    stability index
time: 0.096; rss: 170MB    intrinsic checking
time: 0.024; rss: 170MB    effect checking
time: 0.349; rss: 170MB    match checking
time: 0.056; rss: 170MB    liveness checking
time: 2.390; rss: 170MB    borrow checking
time: 1.210; rss: 171MB    rvalue checking
time: 0.083; rss: 171MB    reachability checking
time: 0.091; rss: 172MB    death checking
time: 0.077; rss: 172MB    stability checking
time: 0.000; rss: 172MB    unused lib feature checking
src/libcore/ 82:29 warning: unused or unknown feature, #[warn(unused_features)] on by default
src/libcore/ #![feature(unwind_attributes)]
src/libcore/ 21:24 warning: unused import, #[warn(unused_imports)] on by default
src/libcore/ use ops::{CoerceUnsized, Deref};
src/libcore/ 25:58 warning: unused import, #[warn(unused_imports)] on by default
src/libcore/ use marker::{Copy, PhantomData, Send, Sized, Sync, Unsize};
src/libcore/ 65:18 warning: unused attribute, #[warn(unused_attributes)] on by default
src/libcore/         #[unwind]
time: 1.525; rss: 172MB    lint checking
time: 0.000; rss: 172MB    resolving dependency formats
time: 6.468; rss: 301MB    translation
Pass Arguments:  -tti -targetlibinfo -no-aa -tbaa -scoped-noalias -assumption-cache-tracker -basicaa -verify -simplifycfg -domtree -sroa -early-cse -lower-expect
Target Transform Information
Target Library Information
No Alias Analysis (always returns 'may' alias)
Type-Based Alias Analysis
Scoped NoAlias Alias AnalysisPass Arguments:  -tti -targetlibinfo -no-aa -tbaa -
scoped-noalias -Assumption Cache Tracker
assumption-cache-trackerBasic Alias Analysis (stateless AA impl)Pass Arguments:  -tti -targetlibinfo
 -  FunctionPass Manager
basicaa -    Module Verifierno-aa -verify - -simplifycfgtbaa -domtree -scoped-noalias -sroa -assumption-cache-tracker - -early-csebasicaa - -lower-expectverify
 -simplifycfgTarget Transform Information

 -domtree -Target Library Informationsroa -
early-cse -lower-expect
Target Transform Information
Target Library InformationPass Arguments:  -ttiNo Alias Analysis (always returns 'may' alias)
    Simplify the CFG
No Alias Analysis (always returns 'may' alias)
Type-Based Alias Analysis
Scoped NoAlias Alias Analysis
Assumption Cache Tracker
Basic Alias Analysis (stateless AA impl)
  FunctionPass Manager
    Module Verifier
    Simplify the CFG
    Dominator Tree Construction
    Early CSE
    Lower 'expect' Intrinsics
    Dominator Tree Construction
    Early CSE
    Lower 'expect' Intrinsics
targetlibinfo -Type-Based Alias Analysisno-aa -tbaa -
Scoped NoAlias Alias Analysis
Assumption Cache Tracker
Basic Alias Analysis (stateless AA impl)
  FunctionPass Manager
    Module Verifier
    Simplify the CFG
    Dominator Tree Construction
    Early CSE
    Lower 'expect' Intrinsics
scoped-noalias -assumption-cache-tracker -basicaa -verify -simplifycfg -domtree -sroa -early-cse -lower-expect
Target Transform Information
Target Library Information
No Alias Analysis (always returns 'may' alias)
Type-Based Alias Analysis
Scoped NoAlias Alias Analysis
Assumption Cache Tracker
Basic Alias Analysis (stateless AA impl)
  FunctionPass Manager
    Module Verifier
    Simplify the CFG
    Dominator Tree Construction
    Early CSE
    Lower 'expect' Intrinsics
rustc: malloc.c:2921: __libc_malloc: Assertion `!victim || ((((mchunkptr)((char*)(victim) - 2*(sizeof(size_t)))))->size & 0x2) || ar_ptr == (((((mchunkptr)((char*)(victim) - 2*(sizeof(size_t)))))->size & 0x4) ? ((heap_info *) ((unsigned long) (((mchunkptr)((char*)(victim) - 2*(sizeof(size_t))))) & ~((2 * (4 * 1024 * 1024 * sizeof(long))) - 1)))->ar_ptr : &main_arena)' failed.
/home/zazdxscf/build/1nonpkgs/rust/rust/mk/ recipe for target 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage0/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/stamp.core' failed
make: *** [x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage0/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/stamp.core] Aborted (core dumped)

real    5m4.755s
user    8m9.393s
sys    4m20.027s

Works fine without it...

Why are you passing so many flags to configure? Can you follow the build instructions directly? (ie. just do ./configure, make -j4 after installing everything needed)

If that doesn't work, I'd open an issue so more people see it.

1 Like

It works.
It fails only when I pass NO_REBUILD=1 to make ! So both -j4 and NO_REBUILD=1 are required to fail like that.