How to become a Rust ninja? 🥷

If I hit a specific area to deep-dive on, I often end up in the RFCs. They're not organized like a book and some later ones override earlier ones (which aren't consistently updated to point to the newer ones), so it is a more work. You also might have to go browse the PR and tracking issue to get the full picture, to boot. (In fact, always check the tracking issue to see if it's actually stable yet.) But sadly, there are a number of advanced topics where the only adequate documentation I'm aware of are the RFCs.

Another place, if there happens to be a post or series about it, is Niko's blog (Baby Steps). A lot of "big change" ideas start there, including ones that haven't landed yet but are expected to (Polonius, Chalk). Given when 1.0 came out (with it's backwards compatibility guarantees), most posts since 2015 should still be relevant. Even the earlier ones may be indications of Rust's future.

(Side note: Anyone know how to get a single list of posts out of the new format, like it used to be? An RSS URL maybe? Clicking through 20 pages excerpts is much less reference-happy.)

After that I typically spend some time writing toy programs in the playground, if applicable.

Here are a few links I've found fruitful. OK, a lot of links -- I decided I'd find this useful enough for myself that I just looked through the RFC list and Niko's blog for anything related to your list :sweat_smile:. The list is something you'd want to cherry pick for your current interest, not something to tackle on one go. Most advanced topics I have to revisit a few times, personally.

(Note: dyn Trait is relatively new, so in a lot of these you'll just see "trait object" and Trait. Also, in the older pre-1.0 ones, you may see Box<T> written as ~T.)