Does passing a mutable reference to a call count as mutably borrowing it again?

I still use things like trees and DAGs, but usually avoid parent references (in the sense of a Weak or whatnot) and instead if I need them, have something like a pool of nodes that I can look up by key. A pattern like that I used recently was to have short-lived borrowing traversal structs, something like

struct NodeView<'a> {
    root: &'a Dag,
    node: &'a Node,

And the node knew how to ask it's owning Dag for it's parents, etc. [1]

Ultimately the best approach is going to come down to your use case and what you need the data structure for.

I don't know of any one-stop-shop, and a lot of it boils down to experience, but I'll throw some links out:

  1. All the required operations were read-only; it would get trickier if that wasn't the case. ↩︎

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