I have a DLL written in C and a main program also written in C to call the DLL. Recently I am translating the main program from C to rust, but keep the DLL unchanged. Today I encounter the following issue.
In the main program, the following C function exported by the DLL is called:
int php_sys_stat_ex(const char *path, zend_stat_t *buf, int lstat);
Bindgen translates this declaration into rust:
extern "C" {
pub fn php_sys_stat_ex(
path: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char,
buf: *mut zend_stat_t,
lstat: ::std::os::raw::c_int,
) -> ::std::os::raw::c_int;
In this function the second argument is a pointer to a data structure, which is filled according to the information supplied by the first argument. So the initialization of the data structure *buf is done in this function. I tried to translate the statements calling this function into rust, but I saw the following error:
Then my question is: How could I avoid this error? The initialization is supposed to be done in the function I want to call, but the rust compiler stops me calling the function because of "use of possibly uninitialized data"!