I want to use a C library in my Rust code. So far I use bindgen in my build.rs to include the library's header file in main.rs and I use the GCC crate to compile the library's binary and link it to the main executable. This works, I think.
I also have a C file which uses the same library and I want to use the library from Rust in a similar way. I started by converting the C code to Rust line by line. Now I got stuck: The original C code (here: https://github.com/medium-endian/crisp/blob/master/cisp/parsing.c) declares a struct mpc_result_t on line 41 and proceeds to call a function which initializes the struct (line 42). On compiling, I am getting 'use of possibly uninitialized memory' errors. This is understandable. But how do I initialize the struct so that the C function can write to memory? Rust code (same file as above but in Rust): https://github.com/medium-endian/crisp/blob/master/rusp/src/main.rs relevant parts around line 35.
The main.rs file linked above is messy because I am just trying to get it to compile at the moment. I hope someone will still read through