I've gone through the first 228 This Week in Rust posts to find out who is, and has been, blogging about Rust. That's nearly 5 years worth of dedicated work by @nasa42, @llogiq@cmr and others keeping track of the Rust community online.
The table below includes 140 RSS feed URLs from the most dedicated Rust bloggers that have been featured on TWiR. Not all of the bloggers are currently active. Some have been included for reference/archival purposes, as they've posted regularly in the past and the content may still be valuable. I've only included RSS feeds that post exclusively about Rust.
The spreadsheet I worked from also includes a list of 25 Rust blogs that don't have RSS feeds, but do post exclusively about Rust. The spreadsheet also includes a list of 174 blogs that write about Rust but not exclusively.
How active is the list currently? There can be as many as 10 new posts a day, but usually it's between 5 and 10. If you don't do RSS and want a single resource beyond /r/rust then medium.com/tag/rust/latest is as active a resource as I've found.
If you have a Rust blog and don't see it on the spreadsheet please do get in touch.
There is an OPML file, for those who want to import the entire 140 blog list to a feed reader.
Very nice list! I had done some similar work in the https://github.com/Vagdish/planetrs repository; I think it would be nice to have a real Planet Rust -- Read Rust is great, but still depends on human curation. I asked around about setting up a planet.rust-lang.org, but it's unclear where the community team is with that.
Like Manish, I don’t post either a ton or exclusively about Rust (it’s mostly on the podcast instead!), but there’s a distinct tag and it has its own RSS feed.
I have a general programming blog but there's a (still very small) section dedicated to Rust. I plan on filling it up much more soon . I'm self-taught and pretty beginner, but hopefully sometime I can have something of use. When there's some tooling that I think needs explaining without great documentation, I try to put up a tutorial as a resource. I'm also super into audio stuff.
I mostly blog about Rust but putting me in the non-exclusive column was correct! It's not directly advertised but I have an RSS feed at https://mgattozzi.com/feed
Thanks! It would be cool to get a Rust only feed from you, because you have some really good work. Would that be non-trivial? What are you using to generate your html?
Hey! So it uses Terra templates as you can see here to generate the html. The server is run with the Rocket framework. I don't think it would be hard to just add a /feed/rust endpoint and serve up another feed with just the Rust stuff
I know. It’s either follow #rust or #rust-lang and there aren’t half as many posts to #rust-lang, and the ones that are, are often posted to #rust also.