Downloading errors when compiling rust toolchain

When using the company network to download, curl often fails. Is there a way to compile the toolchain with the .tar file in local?

  • rust/ install --config rust.toml -j 63 --stage 1
    ######################################################################## 100.0%
    extracting /home/w00623522/BiSheng/build/rust/cache/2023-02-09/rust-std-1.67.1-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
    ############################# 41.4%Warning: Transient problem: timeout Will retry in 1 seconds. 3 retries left.
    Throwing away 62739840 bytes
    ############### 21.2%Warning: Transient problem: timeout Will retry in 2 seconds. 2 retries left.
    Throwing away 32163944 bytes
    ################################################# 68.1%Warning: Transient problem: timeout Will retry in 4 seconds. 1 retries left.
    Throwing away 103241736 bytes
    ################# 24.7%
    curl: (28) Operation too slow. Less than 10 bytes/sec transferred the last 30 seconds

spurious failure, trying again

It saddens me that corporate IT depts keep buying security "solutions" which make dev lives hell.


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