Rustup installation problem, tails os

I am a user of tails os, and therefore sometimes when installing random programs, etc., tails blocks downloading. This is what I understood and happened when I tried to download rustup (I used the command that was provided in the documentation):

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

But after I chose

1) Proceed with standard installation (default - just press enter) 2) Customize installation 3) Cancel installation

An error occurs (I tried to choose both the first and the second in both cases)

error: could not download file from '' to '/*****/*****/.rustup/tmp/cfhw1_e7qla8gtpd_file': failed to make network request: error sending request for url ( client error (Connect): tcp connect error: Network is unreachable (os error 101): Network is unreachable (os error 101)

As I said, I'm guessing the problem is that I'm using Tails OS, but maybe someone has experienced this and can help me? I tried to google but everyone encounters this on Windows

rustup downloads components from the internet on demand. If you need to install Rust without access to the internet, rustup is not suitable

You're not quite "without access to the internet", but never the less an offline install might be suitable.

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Alternatively, you'll want to make rustup use the SOCKS proxy explicitly. To do that, run this command in your shell:

export https_proxy=socks5://

Then the rustup command should work. You'll also want cargo to use Tor in the long term.