Well, I've been learning Rust for a while and, even though my coding skills fall in the not-so-great amateur level, I would love to give something back to the Rust open source community. So, I'm looking for a simple project to contribute to that might be compatible with my above mentioned "skills" (or lack thereof). Of course, I'm jumping into this cold. I've read a couple of blog posts on the subject of helping with open source projects, but I really have no idea how to get started. However, "you can't steer a car if it's not moving", so I'm going to give my Rusty car a downhill shove, jump in, and see how it goes.
Any suggestions for a project that might be good for a first timer Rust contributor like me?
I don't have a specific suggestion off the top of my head, but TWIR has a call-for-participation section; you could check new posts when they happen, and also check old posts for issues that are still open.
In the github issues for many projects, people add a label like "good first issue" that you can look for. For example, in the zerocopy crate linked by the TWIR that @quinedot posted, none of them have this label, so you may want to look at earlier issues of TWIR.
Before diving into contributing to Open Source projects you might like to listen to this discussion on the topic: " Do NOT contribute to open source | Prime Reacts" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXqX2S6s3rU&t=1696s
I'm not suggesting that you should not do so but there are some points to take into consideration.