Coloring vertices in 'egui_graphs'

There is an example program from their repository. Help me, how do I color the vertices?


use eframe::{run_native, App, CreationContext};
use egui::Context;
use egui_graphs::{DefaultGraphView, Graph, SettingsInteraction, SettingsStyle};
use petgraph::stable_graph::StableGraph;

pub struct InteractiveApp {
    g: Graph,

impl InteractiveApp {
    fn new(_: &CreationContext<'_>) -> Self {
        let g: Graph = generate_graph();
        Self { g }

impl App for InteractiveApp {
    fn update(&mut self, ctx: &Context, _: &mut eframe::Frame) {
        egui::CentralPanel::default().show(ctx, |ui| {
            let interaction_settings = &SettingsInteraction::new()
            let style_settings = &SettingsStyle::new().with_labels_always(true);
                &mut DefaultGraphView::new(&mut self.g)

fn generate_graph() -> Graph {
    let mut g = StableGraph::new();

    let a = g.add_node(());
    let b = g.add_node(());
    let c = g.add_node(());

    g.add_edge(a, a, ());
    g.add_edge(a, b, ());
    g.add_edge(a, b, ());
    g.add_edge(b, c, ());
    g.add_edge(c, a, ());


fn main() {
    let native_options = eframe::NativeOptions::default();
        Box::new(|cc| Ok(Box::new(InteractiveApp::new(cc)))),

Judging by the docs, you can't, not without re-implementing a good chunk of edge-drawing logic.

There is a DisplayEdge trait for customizing how edges are drawn. See the rainbow_edges example.

The DisplayNode trait is the same concept for customizing how nodes are drawn.

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