Why doesn't Rust allow explicitly typed tuples?

I often like to use the pattern where a scope returns a tuple. e.g.:

let (person_is_male, person_age) = {
    // ...
   (false, 42)

I also prefer to explicitly specify type information if it is not immediately apparent in a declaration.

If I understand correctly, Rust does not allow me to explicitly type a tuple as follows:

let (person_is_male: bool, person_age: i32) = {
    (false, 42)

Is there a reason why this is disallowed, since Rust needs to infer the type anyway? Are there any other ways to get around this?

You can write

let (person_is_male, person_age): (bool, i32) = {
    // ...
   (false, 42)

Ah. Facepalm moment. I did read the documentation and somehow missed this. Thanks a ton! Hopefully this question shall help more dummies like me. :smiley:

There is an active RFC that will make the desired syntax possible if implemented: