Why does variable go out of scope?

I have a section of code where the compiler gives errors :- tex has gone out of scope..... it is in the same section of code. Now I rearrange the code slightly and the problem goes away. As shown below.....

impl Handler for Server {
    fn on_message(&mut self, msg: Message) -> Result<()> {
        let mut methods: HashMap< String, fn(_,_) -> _> = HashMap::new();
        methods.insert( "extcall".to_string(), extcall );
        methods.insert( "add".to_string(), add );
        println!("Got message: {:?}", msg);
        let tex = msg.into_text().unwrap();
        println!("Into text: {:?}", tex);
        let v: Vec<&str> = tex.split_whitespace().collect();
        println!("Words: {:?}, Length: {}", v, v.len());
        let key = &v[0];
        println!("Key: {:?}", key);

        let result = methods[&key.to_string()] (&v[1], &v[2]);

This one compiles ok!!

impl Handler for Server {
    fn on_message(&mut self, msg: Message) -> Result<()> {

        println!("Got message: {:?}", msg);
        let tex = msg.into_text().unwrap();
        println!("Into text: {:?}", tex);
        let v: Vec<&str> = tex.split_whitespace().collect();
        println!("Words: {:?}, Length: {}", v, v.len());
        let key = &v[0];
        println!("Key: {:?}", key);
        let mut methods: HashMap< String, fn(_,_) -> _> = HashMap::new();
        methods.insert( "extcall".to_string(), extcall );
        methods.insert( "add".to_string(), add );

        let result = methods[&key.to_string()] (&v[1], &v[2]);

Can anyone explain the logic of this?
Message follows:-

cargo build (in directory: /home/rich/rust/ws_server/src)
   Compiling ws_server v0.1.0 (file:///home/rich/rust/ws_server)
error[E0597]: `tex` does not live long enough
  --> src/main.rs:32:28
32 |         let v: Vec<&str> = tex.split_whitespace().collect();
   |                            ^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
42 |     }
   |     - `tex` dropped here while still borrowed
   = note: values in a scope are dropped in the opposite order they are created

p.s. Some of that code will be replaced, with json or messagepack ...

Here's a simplifed test case (playground):

fn extcall(_: &str, _: &str) {}

fn on_message() {
    let mut methods: HashMap< String, fn(_,_)> = HashMap::new();
    methods.insert( "extcall".to_string(), extcall );

    let tex = String::new();
    let v: Vec<&str> = tex.split_whitespace().collect();
    let key = &v[0];

    let result = methods[&key.to_string()] (&v[1], &v[2]);

The error goes away if I change the first line to make the fn argument types explicit (playground):

    let mut methods: HashMap< String, fn(&str, &str)> = HashMap::new();

This explicit type is shorthand for the higher-ranked type for<'a, 'b> fn(&'a str, &'b str). Without the explicit type annotations, the type is inferred. Apparently it gets inferred to some narrower type like fn(&'x str, &'x str) for some concrete 'x which must outlive methods.

That sort of clarifies things, (basically, I guess I overloaded the "stack" of borrows). I will probably be making the inserting of "methods" to the hashmap into a function at some stage, and I could probably get rid of some of those variables by combining lines of code. The use of vec is a temporary fix because I could not get any sense out of json (!) (too many steps at once)
I am still at the simple stage with rust - feeling my way - thanks for the comment, though!

p.s. I changed my hashmap so it is all &str and String instead of trying to wildcard.. Simple always works best!?!