Using a match with an option element from a vector

I'm trying to only print the first element of the vector if it contains something:

let mut optional_integers_vec: Vec<Option<i8>> = Vec::new();
match optional_integers_vec[0].unwrap() {
  Err(e) => println!("Nothing in the first element currently"),
  Ok(_) => println!("Vec contains in first element {}",optional_integers_vec[0].unwrap() ),

This produces the following error:
Err(e) ^^^^^^ expected i8, found enum Result
Ok(_) ^^^^^ expected i8, found enum Result

Option::unwrap() is primarily useful when you're certain that the value is Some, since it's an assertion that throws a panic on failure. To test whether or not the value is Some, you can match on it directly (Rust Playground):

  let optional_integers_vec: Vec<Option<i8>> = vec![Some(42)];
  match optional_integers_vec[0] {
      None => println!("Nothing in the first element currently"),
      Some(v) => println!("Vec contains in first element {v}"),

(Note that this will panic if optional_integers_vec is empty.)

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You could do

optional_integers_vec.iter().nth(0).map(|maybe_first_element| {
  match maybe_first_element {
    Some(first_element) => {
      println!("first element was {first_element}")
    None => println!("first element was None")

That's better expressed as the_vec.first().


I would do something like this:

    let my_vec = vec![Some(1)];
    if let Some(num) = my_vec[0] {
        println!("{}", num);

If you want a reference of the value inside the option just do this:

    let my_vec = vec![Some(1)];
    if let Some(num) = my_vec[0].as_ref() {
        println!("{}", num);

But as a safety line, always check if the vector got a value or not before doing the above code or else your programe will panic!!

Note that this won't work for non-Copy types.

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then just get a reference of it like the code below it

How about this? (link to the playground)

let mut optional_integers_vec: Vec<Option<i8>> = Vec::new();
match &*optional_integers_vec {
  [] => println!("empty Vec"), 
  [None, ..] => println!("Nothing in the first element currently"),
  [Some(elt), ..] => println!("Vec contains in first element {elt}" ),

This doesn't panic, clearly enumerates the possible cases, and doesn't require manually digging into the Vec and its elements since pattern matching does it for you.


Thanks, appreciate the advice on unwrap

Thanks I appreciate your replies, I'm learning new things every day

Thanks jjpe, I liked your solution the best.

I ended up putting it into a function like this, NB the compiler didn't like match veccy and suggested match veccy[..]:

fn first_el_print(veccy : &Vec<Option<i8>>){
  match veccy[..]{

    [] => println!("Vec is empty"),
    [None, ..] => println!("Nothing in first element"),
    [Some(elem), ..] => println!("Vec contains something in 1st element which is {}",elem),


That gets called like this:

let mut optional_integers_vec: Vec<Option<i8>> = Vec::new();

I'm pretty new to Rust, I would like to ask about where you used the address and the dereference together &*, I'm confused by that and haven't seen it before, is it a way of making certain that you get the address of the actual datastructure rather than say of its pointer?:

match &*optional_integers_vec

That's why you needed [..]. In case of Vec, these are two ways to convert it into borrowed slice: one is using Deref coercion (&*v first converts Vec<T> to [T] via dereference and then give back the &[T]), another - Index operator.


Thanks Cerber-Ursi, I appreciate the explanation.

Note that you shouldn't accept a &Vec as a function parameter. It is useless (an immutable vector doesn't have more API than a slice), and can actually hurt performance, because it forces the caller to have an actual owned vector, instead of just a slice. So if someone has, say, a stack-allocated array, which would deref to a slice just fine, you will force them to copy the array into a heap-allocated vector. Just accept a slice instead.

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