My understanding is that debuggers are not used as often in Rust as they are in other languages like C++. See this older thread for a discussion on the topic:
An idle question for anyone with a free moment and bored enough: Do you use debuggers much?
Off the bat, I don't. I don't think Debugger Driven Development is a good approach. Over the decades on the occasion I had unfathomable bugs to find it turned out the debugger/In Circuit Emulator did not help and often hindered progress.
I ask because I was just having long chat with a keen debugger user who insisted my resistance to using debuggers was down to my inexperience or ignorance of their capa…
Edit: Sorry, I missed that you were already discussing this on a separate topic. I'll leave the link here for posterity.
I am often debugging rather convoluted algorithms in Rust. I usually attach the rust-lldb debugger to the running PID and start inspecting the state of the running program, and check that all variables are updated as they should. But I have many issues with how the debugger works especially regarding creating conditional breakpoints. Rusts debugging experience seems good for view the state, but not for interacting with it.
What is your debugging workflow in Rust?
What applications are …