Unable to enable anything above INFO logging

I'm experiencing a very perplexing problem trying to enable debug logging with rust.

I have tried stripping down everything to just a basic example program, using the example here:

Basically I have made a project with the first example program verbatim, and have compiled, and used the RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/test_debug_log, or RUST_LOG=debug cargo run, but I only get the WARN and INFO log messages.

I have even gone as far as trying to set the log level inside the program directly:

fn main() {
    if log_enabled!(Level::Debug) {
        println!("LOG LEVEL DEBUG");
    warn!("[root] warn");
    info!("[root] info");
    debug!("[root] debug");

And literally setting the max level via log, in the program, to debug, doesn't end up showing the print statement. If I switch the test to checking if 'Warn' or 'Info' is enabled, it will print the subsequent message.

Even setting max level to 'trace' or RUST_LOG=trace on the console doesn't seem to effect anything, and the only way I have been able to get the debug traces to show up has been to replace the debug! macro in my module with:

macro_rules! debug {
     ($($arg:tt)*) => (println!($($arg)*))

This seems so completely basic, that I'm sure I'm missing some obvious RTFM moment, but I have scoured over the documents, and it seems like this should work.

I cannot reproduce your experience:

log = "0.4.6"
env_logger = "0.6.1"
use log::{debug, info, warn};

fn main() {
    warn!("[root] warn");
    info!("[root] info");
    debug!("[root] debug");
$ RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/x
[2019-04-22T02:03:14Z WARN  x] [root] warn
[2019-04-22T02:03:14Z INFO  x] [root] info
[2019-04-22T02:03:14Z DEBUG x] [root] debug

Where does DEBUG_LOG come from?

Sorry, I meant RUST_LOG as in the previous examples.

Adding 'env_logger' at the same version you specified to my dependencies now causes DEBUG logs to appear.


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