Hi everyone, do you know of any scientific research that uses Rust as the main programming language? My focus is in the field of Physics, but I would like to learn about research from other areas that also use Rust. I’m going to give a presentation on Rust in my Physics course and would like to show some use cases of Rust in scientific research.
I have no idea really but perhaps you will find some inspiration here: https://www.youtube.com/@ScientificComputinginRust
And I just happened to watch this recently: "How Rust is Powering Next-Generation Space Mission Simulators": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAqNvH19Sxo
People in computational chemistry use it. Here's an example for a Rust workshop from France.
I can confirm the computation chemistry. I just published this one with some lab mates [2411.17011v1] MOLPIPx: an end-to-end differentiable package for permutationally invariant polynomials in Python and Rust
I also know people in computational mechanics, math, US National Labs, etc.
It's still a minority, but it's getting more popular.
Hi, I am curious abort researchers are still use Fortran now? with OpenMP or MPI?