The use of Rust in scientific research

Hi everyone, do you know of any scientific research that uses Rust as the main programming language? My focus is in the field of Physics, but I would like to learn about research from other areas that also use Rust. I’m going to give a presentation on Rust in my Physics course and would like to show some use cases of Rust in scientific research.

I have no idea really but perhaps you will find some inspiration here:

And I just happened to watch this recently: "How Rust is Powering Next-Generation Space Mission Simulators":


People in computational chemistry use it. Here's an example for a Rust workshop from France.

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I can confirm the computation chemistry. I just published this one with some lab mates [2411.17011v1] MOLPIPx: an end-to-end differentiable package for permutationally invariant polynomials in Python and Rust
I also know people in computational mechanics, math, US National Labs, etc.
It's still a minority, but it's getting more popular.

Hi, I am curious abort researchers are still use Fortran now? with OpenMP or MPI?